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第一法則 - 跳過流行趨勢,投資在最基本卻最具混搭潛力的衣物上。你可以隨時用更便宜的配飾來使自己跟上流行的顏色和風格。

另一個建議 - 充分利用季末的促銷,網上的樣品促銷和其他網上的折扣,或者像ebates這樣的退稅網站。

第三 - 囤積些最終的必需品。你的衣櫃裡有了這些單品,你的衣著將永遠不會出錯,也不會發現自己無衣可穿。最好的是沒有一件超過50美元。


  • 黑色小禮服 儘量保持款式簡單,不要過於時髦,這樣你就可以季復一季,年復一年地穿。Victoria's Secret的無肩帶背心裙款式簡單卻出眾,而價格僅為38美元!
  • 節假日的多彩服裝  沒有比色彩更能讓你顯得性感和引人注意的了。Delia的Mariella Dress就是有趣而俏皮的。
  • 真絲上衣 女性的柔美和性感同時並存,你可以用真絲上衣和任何下裝搭配,從牛仔褲到鉛筆裙。像Victoria's Secret 褶皺真絲上衣這樣的飄逸風格整年都可以穿。
  • 開襟毛衣 一件時髦的毛衣可以立即打亮整套造型。比如一些色彩繽紛或者有趣動物圖案的款式。
  • 黑色闊腿褲 顯瘦而成熟的。像Victoria's Secret Palazzo Pant一樣的闊腿褲對於晚宴聚會到雞尾酒會的任何場合都是理想選擇
  • 黑色晚裝鞋 帶有小小性感的細高跟鞋是必需的。
  • 彩色的鞋子 一雙色彩明亮的鞋子可以立即為樸素或者休閒的服裝增色。試試Madden的Girl Pristge,甜美的紅色露趾鞋
  • 金項鍊 將人們注意到你美麗鎖骨和胸部的最佳方法就是帶一條金項鍊。我們喜歡Banana Republic的項鍊,只要34美元
  • 無帶手提包 攜帶口紅,一點現金,薄荷糖和其他必需品的最好方式。是的,你可以很便宜就買到一個手提包,Nine West的一些好選擇,比如寶石蛇手提包,只需不到35美元
  • 黑色緊身衣 夜晚外出時,用黑色緊身衣搭配裙子是一種時尚的方式,它也能跟黑色或者彩色的皮鞋搭配的很好。Old Navy有些便宜的款式只要6.5美元


  • 深色牛仔褲  牛仔褲可以有各種穿法,搭配紐扣或者V領毛衣,一雙防滑皮鞋
  • 黑褲子 更時尚和討人喜歡的穿法是選擇那些無褶的款式
  • V領毛衣 沒有必要花很多錢去買羊絨,滑軟的美麗諾羊毛質地的V領毛衣只需要一半的價格,令人無法抗拒
  • 領尖帶扣的襯衫 堅持選擇較深的顏色,在夜生活時讓人感覺更成熟有型
  • 新潮T恤 一件舒適合身的長袖Henley T恤會更適合放鬆的夜生活。只需要10美元的Old Navy風格T-shirt是無懈可擊的。和皮鞋,時尚手錶一起搭配
  • 黑鞋 每個男人都應該有一雙基本款的黑色皮鞋,不管是船鞋還是系帶的。但我們也喜歡增加一點靈感,用一雙黑色運動鞋展現另一種穿著風格
  • 棕色鞋 另一個外出的主要選擇就是棕色鞋子 你可以將其與卡其褲,牛仔褲或者休閒褲搭配。Alfani的起皺套頭棕色皮鞋只需要40美元
  • 黑色外套 黑色外套讓男人顯得低調卻仍然非常時髦性感。微麂皮絨是一種代替真皮的更便宜的選擇,所以記得貨比三家
  • 皮帶 不管是穿牛仔褲或者長褲出門,一條男裝皮帶是必須的。沒有太多搭扣的簡單款是你最好的選擇。
  • 時裝表 用一個經典設計的皮錶帶手錶代替你跑步用的塑料手錶,你會驚訝一個像這樣的小配件可以產生多大的影響

20 Wallet-Smart Ways to Makeover Your Style

Posted Tue, Dec 23, 2008, 5:14 pm PST

Financial times are tough, and yet the season can make demands on our wardrobes -- whether it's a cocktail party, a night of dancing, or one more dinner party. So, is it possible to dress up on a down-home budget? By all means! It just takes a little Foxy strategy, ingenuity, and fashion smarts.

First rule of thumb -- skip the trends and invest in wardrobe basics that have maximum mix-and-match potential. You can always work in a color or style trend through accessories which are much more affordable.

Another bit of advice -- take advantage of end-of-season sales, online sample sales, and online discount or refund sites like Ebates.

Third -- stock up on these ultimate essentials. With these pieces in your closet, you'll never go wrong and never find yourself without anything to wear. And the best part of all -- nothing costs over $50!


  • Little Black Dress  Keep the styling simple, not overly trendy, so you can wear it season to season and year to year. Victoria's Secret's Strapless Tube Dress is simple and stunning, as is the price of $38!
  • Fun & Festive Colored Dress  There's nothing like a jolt of color to make you feel sexy, and make others take notice. The Mariella Dress from Delia's is fun and flirty.
  • Silk Blouse  Feminine and sexy at the same time, you can wear it with everything from jeans to a pencil skirt. Breezy long-sleeve styles like Victoria's Secret's Pleated Silk Blouse can be worn year-round.
  • Cardigan  A snazzy sweater instantly dresses up any outfit. Experiment with something colorful or a playful animal print.
  • Wide-Leg Black Dress Pants  Slimming and sophisticated, a wide-leg pant like Victoria's Secret's Palazzo Pant is ideal for everything from dinner gatherings to cocktail parties.
  • Black Pumps  A stiletto with a bit of va-va-voom is a must.
  • Colorful Shoes  A pair of bright shoes can add instant wow to a plain dress or slacks. Try Madden Girl Pristege, a sweet little peep-toe with a punch of red.
  • Gold Pendant Necklace  The perfect way to draw attention to your gorgeous collarbone and décolletage! We love Banana Republic's charm necklace, a steal at just 34 bucks.
  • Clutch Bag  The perfect way to carry your lipstick, a little cash, breath mints and a few other necessities. And yes, you can get a clutch on the cheap -- check out Nine West for some great options like the Jeweled Snake Clutch for under $35.
  • Black Tights  A trendy way to class up a dress or skirt for a night out, and black tights work well with black shoes or colored ones. Old Navy has affordable styles as cheap as $6.50.


  • Dark Jeans  Jeans can be dressed up in all kinds of ways -- paired with a crisp button-down or v-neck sweater and a hip pair of leather slip-on shoes.
  • Black Pants  Go for flat-front styles, without pleats, for a more modern and flattering look.
  • V-Neck Sweater  There's no need to splurge on cashmere -- slip on a soft merino wool v-neck and you'll be irresistible, at half the price!
  • Button-Down Shirt  Stick with darker colors, which feel more sophisticated and dressier for nights out.
  • Hip T-Shirt  A comfy yet fitted long-sleeved Henley or T-shirt can be perfect for more relaxed nights out. At just $10, this Old Navy style can't be beat. Dress it up with leather shoes and a sleek watch.
  • Black Shoes  Every guy should own basic leather black shoes, whether it's slip-ons or ties. But we also love the idea of adding a bit of flair to an otherwise dressy look with a pair of black sneakers.
  • Brown Shoes  Another staple for going out -- you can sport these with khakis, jeans, or dress slacks. At less than 40 bucks, Alfani's Crinkled Leather Slip-Ons are a steal.
  • Black Jacket  There's just something about a guy in a black jacket -- it's understated and still very hip, very sexy. Micro-suede can be a less expensive alternative to the real thing, so shop around.
  • Belt  Whether you're going out in jeans or trousers, a masculine leather belt is a must. Simple styles that don't have huge buckles or lots of little extras are your best bet.
  • Dress Watch  Trade in your plastic running watch for a sleek leather-band and a classic design -- you'd be amazed what a big impact a little accessory like this can have.

Yahoo! Inc.

責任編輯: 紫薇  來源:譯言 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
