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政治局糾正重慶四大錯案 方洪搶先

重慶市第三法院6月29號審判國內外關注的「一坨屎 」案件。重慶市林業局退休公務員方洪終於洗清冤屈。法庭判決他因為諷刺薄熙來而送勞教一年是重慶市政府的錯誤。方洪並透露,政治局決定在十八大之前給重慶四大冤案平反,包括黎強案,文強案,李莊案和方洪案。





方洪表示,法庭上,被告是重慶市勞教委的一個人員。但是法庭沒有宣布他的名字和身份。他在法庭上仍維持著高傲的官員派頭。這名官員對周圍一切視若罔聞,只盯著眼前的一本書。他只說「 請法院公正判決」,然後就一聲不吭。

方洪:「斯維江(律師)問他,你們對公民是不是都是進行監控監視?審判長問他,你們是嗎?他(被告)說,我不屑於告訴你們。斯維江律師要求法官對其訓誡。 他不搭理你。」

方洪說,接下來他將申請國家賠償。按照規定,冤獄人員的經濟賠償是按照上一年職工平均工資的兩倍, 也就是按照162元一天來賠償。此外,方洪打算提出一千萬人民幣精神損害賠償。並且要求重慶市政府在《重慶日報》,《重慶衛視》,和《華龍網》給他賠禮道歉。方洪認為,當局規定的經濟賠償數目不合理。



方洪:「這是中央定的,重慶要撥亂反正,要恢復法治,恢復秩序,那麼必須要平反一些案件。 (黎強)就一個偷稅漏稅和行賄,這兩個罪最多只能判五年,但是他判的是無期。但是文強,他有貪污受賄,強姦等一系列罪,但也夠不上死刑。李莊這個明顯的就是冤案了。」



採訪編輯/秦雪 後制/周天[next]

Politburo Corrects Four Chongqing Miscarriages of Justice.
Fang Hong Case is First

The Third Court of Chongqing City put a case of international
concern on trial on June 29. The case was entitled 「a lump of feces」.
Fang Hong, a retired Bureau of Forestry civil servant
from Chongqing City was finally cleared of injustice.
The court judgment said it was wrong to put him
in a labor camp for a year, for satirizing Bo Xilai.
According to Fang Hong, the Politburo is redressing
four cases of miscarriage before the 18th congress.
The four cases are those of Li Qiang,
Wen Qiang, Li Zhuang, and Fang Hong.

Fang Hong told our NTD reporter that when the judge
was pronouncing his innocence, every staff member,
including the officers, all stood up and applauded.

It seems that everyone was released
from their suppressed hearts at that moment.

Fang Hong: 「Because of Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai’s ruling,
which broke the law system and suppressed free speech,
people including civil servants, police, judges,
and prosecutors were all very depressed.
Thus, I call that a restoration of the Cultural Revolution.
They used Mao Zedong’s theory and revived fascism.
It was very similar to the Cultural Revolution.
It was almost in the Cultural Revolution mode.」

Fang Hong was a worker in the Bureau
of Forestry in Chongqing.
Last April, he was sentenced under 「disrupting
social order」 by Chongqing People's Government of the Administrative Committee.
Fang Hong had posted a status on Weibo satirizing
former Chongqing CCP leader Bo Xilai and former Public Security Bureau chief Wang Lijun.
He was subsequently sentenced
to labor camp for one year.
Fang Hong was sent to labor camp in less
than a week after his case was brought up.

On June 29, the Third People’s Court of Chongqing
confirmed that the labor camp sentence made
by the People's Government of the Administrative
Committee was illegal.
According to Fang Hong, the defendant was a member of staff
of the People's Government of the Administrative Committee.
But his name and identity were not revealed in court.
The staff member maintains his arrogant official attitude.
They were staring at a book and remained silent
after saying, 「please make a fair judgment.」

Fang Hong: 「Si Weijiang (lawyer) asked him,
「do you always monitor citizens」?
The presiding judge asked him, 「do you」?
He (the defendant) said, I am averse to tell you.
Lawyer Si Weijiang requested a response.
But he didn’t answer the question.」

Fang Hong said that he is going
to apply for compensation.
According to law, people imprisoned in miscarriages
of justice should get twice their average yearly income.
That is 162 RMB a day as financial compensation.
Fang Hong also wanted 10 million RMB for moral damage.
He also asks the Chongqing government to apologize on
Chongqing Daily, Chongqing TV, and Chongqing News.
Fang Hong says the financial compensation
the authority offered is not reasonable.

Fang Hong: 「For example, a civil servant died
and got 40-months of income as compensation.
That is 20 times the last yearly income. I only get twice of it.
I lost personal freedom. What’s the difference from death?
I also did lots of heavy labor work.
How much did I make?」

Fang Hong said that he heard internally from the authorities

that the politburo demanded to correct the four Chongqing
wronged cases before the 18th People’s Congress.
The cases are those of Li Qiang,
Wen Qiang, Li Zhuang, and Fang Hong.

Fang Hong: 「This is decided by the central government.

Chongqing should correct these wronged cases and
revive rule of law. Thus, some cases must be redressed.
(Li Qiang) was accused of tax evasion and bribery,
which should be maximally a 5 year sentence.
However, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Wen Qiang was accused of tax evasion, bribery, and rape.
This still should not have been the death penalty.
The Li Zhuang case is obviously a miscarriage of justice.」

According to Fang Hong, there are also lots
of wrongful cases among normal people.
There were a thousand people in the
labor camp where he was.
Almost 100 of them were detained for petitioning.
When they are released, they must bring lawsuits.
It’s hard to tell if the people’s court will take the case,
and if they will get detained in labor camp again.
But it seems like some black jails are abolished.

Fang Hong also says that his case
is not a triumph of rule of law.
It is a triumph of politics.
It is a political judgment.
If Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai didn’t fall from power,
he would certainly still be in prison.
He would possibly be detained until he had died.

責任編輯: 於飛  來源:新唐人 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
