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CPIFC Briefing Series* August13,2019

Communication Between Young People in Hong Kong and Mainland

Editor’s Note: Amid escalating protests in Hong Kong and as Beijing fans the mainland Chinese nationalist sentiment against the Hong Kong democracy movement, a young Hong Kong protester has written and published an open letter to mainland compatriots. The writer is seeking to engage in a heart-to-heart communication with them, the people who might have been misled by Beijing propaganda about Hong Kong or might have not at all been aware of what is going on in Hong Kong due to Beijing’s control of information. The letter has gone viral online in the past a few days. Today, a young mainlander responded with a letter which is also widely circulated. CPIFC has translated the two letters and is now publishing them together. It is our belief that these two letters will help readers better understand the intertwined aspirations of the young people in both Hong Kong and the Mainland.


A Letter to the Mainland Chinese Compatriots

from Hong Kong Protesters

Dear compatriotsinmainlandChina,

Inthe protests convulsing Hong Kong like a storm since June, I am one of the negligible protesters. Maybe I am unqualifiedto speak on behalf of other protesters, butthis storm wasprecipitatedby a group ofnegligible protesterslike me. Therefore,please allow me toexplainthe truth the Hong Kong people have witnessed during this storm.

BeforeI start,I would like to apologizefor not offeringanyexplanations abouttheprotestssince June.Actually, from the beginning ofthe protests, no one had expected thatitwould heightentothe scale it has today. Therefore,wehad never thought of providing explanations toyou, our compatriotsin mainlandChina.

However,nowisthe time for us to speak about our defiance and resistance, because itconcerns not only the futureand fateof Hong Kong people, butalso the freedom and future of the1.4 billionpeople in mainlandChina.

This is not afightforHong Kong’sindependenceorHongKong’s separation from the mainland, butastruggleirrigated by theremorse, blood and tearsleftby a group of brave, upright and kindmainlandChinesepeopleatTiananmen Square30 years ago.

"I’m going to jointhe parade, Tiananmen Square."


"Because this is my duty."

This is ascenerecorded by a camera30 years ago ofa Beijing university student speaking to reporter while riding his bicycle.

This sceneis stillremembered bythe people of Hong Kong and is widely circulated amongHong Kong protesters. Hong Kong people have never been separated fromthe people inmainlandChinasince the night of June4,1989.

However, thetotalitarian governmenthas always intended to separate us.Therefore, inallthe news reports,WeChatandotherinformation platforms in mainlandChina, youcouldonly see a group of black rioters destroying the national flagorattacking the police.

You would not seethat the Hong Kong people were deliberately targeted by the policeand wereseriouslyinjuredin the peaceful demonstrations. Youwould not see the uniformed policemen whispering with the triads who attacked the public. You wouldnot see our chief executive’s indifference to the death of a young man. Youwouldnot seethat amob, holding the banner of supportingthe government, attacked civilians but finally were not subject to legal punishment. Youwouldnot seetheyoung people in Hong Kongthatwerebeatenheavilyby the underworldpeople. Youwouldnot see theofficials ofthecentral government’sliaison officeincitingtheunderworldpeople toattack civiliansin the protests. All of this is the real reasonwhytheprotests are gettingmore and more out of control.

Hong Kong’s silent majority and many people of conscience have gradually understood the tactics of the totalitarian government. Theyunderstand thatthe rule of law, democracy and freedomare just thelies the rulers use to take control of power. A totalitarian government only knows how to use lies, fears and violence tocontrol the society and maintainorder. This is also why the peopleof Hong Kong continue their uprisingsin every district of the city. Our enemy has never been China, nor our compatriots in the mainland, but the totalitarian government.

The protests haveexposedthe corruption,the uncontrollablepublicpower and the collapse of the rule of law in the Hong Kongsociety.Thesilentmajority of Hong Kong peoplehavebegun to understand how depraved and decadent Hong Konghas become.

Mostpeople in the mainlandmaybelievewhatI say above is a lieandwhat hashappenedin Hong Kong as an anti-Chinaconspiracyplanned by foreign forces.Although, Icannotconvince you to change your mind immediately,Idobelieve thatone dayyou will change your mindandwillrecall theprotestsin Hong Kong in2019 as astruggleinitiated by young people in Hong Kong against totalitarianism. In history, this「storm」will belikea smallripple in a lake;orthis willmost likelybe a failedstruggle, justlike thatnightatTiananmen Square thirty years ago.Allthe protestersin Hong Kongare aware that this is afight between the strongest and the weakest,whichmakes the situation more chilling and desperate than30 years ago.

Then you may ask,「Whydo youstillriseup?」

Our answer isthe same aswhat the young man riding his bicycle said in1989:

"Because this is my duty."

Itmay be the last struggle for Hong Kong people. After theprotests, Hong Kong peoplemayno longerbeable towork together for freedomwith theliberal-minded peopleinmainlandChina. The identityand the ethnic groupof Hong Kongersmay soon disappear into the long river of history after thisstruggle. However, Ihope that thepeoplein mainlandChina rememberthat the protesters in Hong Kong will never be your enemy.

I would like to expressoursincere gratitude tothosewho are in the mainlandbutstilltakegreat risks supportingHong Kong.Words cannot expressour gratitude.I hope that you can continue to hold on to your faithuntilthe「cage」 imprisoning you is opened. Forthosewho dare not speakout to support usunder the totalitarian rule, we alsofully understand your difficult situation. With your understanding andkindness, the Hong Kong protesters will never be alone.

Finally, I would like toshare with youa statement that is widely circulated among Hong Kong protesters:

"I hope that one day after the success of theprotests,wewill be able to take offour masksandhug each otheratBaodi(the Demonstration Zone of Hong Kong Legislative Council)."

For the braveliberal-minded peoplein the mainlandand all mainland Chinese people I sincerely wish:

"I hope that one daywewill be able to embrace and rejoin in a truly free China."

All of this may be our fate when we decide to continuethe unfulfilled wish ofthe courageous, upright and kind Chineseheroesat Tiananmen Square30 years ago.

But this fate is not a curse,but a torch that will continuetobe passed on.

This summer Hong Kong people will leave a mark on history.

If this mark can bring a little positive impact to the freedom of seven million Hong Kong people and1.4 billion Chinese people, we are already satisfied as protesters in Hong Kong!

In the moment of writingthis letter, theprotestis still in process.AlthoughI do not know what lies in the future, IprayGod will bless all people with truth and happiness.


Anegligible Hong Kong protester

(Translated by Eileen Liping Wang)






































A Letter to Hong Kong Compatriots

From Mainland Chinese People

Author: Zhong Min

Translator: Eileen Liping Wang

A few days ago,「A Letter to the Mainland Chinese Compatriots from Hong Kong Protesters」 was widely circulated in mainland China. After reading this letter, we feel very gratified but also very guilty. What is gratifying is that the Hong Kong protesters are deeply aware that the people who pursue freedom and democracy in mainland China and in Hong Kong should be united. The Communist totalitarian dictatorship is our common enemy that obstructs and undermines the cause of freedom and democracy of the Chinese people.However,the people in the mainland have not been as concerned and organized as the Hong Kong compatriots because the Communist totalitarian dictatorship blocks real information from Hong Kong with the Great Firewall.The leadership brainwashes and incites mainlanders to hate Hong Kong protesters and severely punishes the mainland citizens of conscience who spread the truth. Although some activists in the mainland are spreading the true voices from Hong Kong compatriots, they dare not publicly declare their support for Hong Kong compatriots, nor do they dare organize to support the struggle of the Hong Kong people because oftheir fears.

However, we truly understand that this democracy movement in Hong Kong is a rebellion against the CCP’s regime from Deng Xiaoping’s authoritarian rule to the restoration of Mao Zedong’s totalitarian autocracy. It is a heroic struggle against a series of illegal acts of the CCP. The CCP has torn up the Sino-British Joint Declaration which has the binding force as the international law. The CCP also tries to overturn the Basic Law with the core principles of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and「one country, two systems」. Therefore, this movement has won wide support and solidarity of the democratic countries and people of the world.

We deeply know that this evil regime which relied on violence and lies to rule China for70 yearshas always smeared the legitimate and just actions of the people of Hong Kong who defend and fight for constitutionalism, democracy and the rule of law.The CCP has maliciously branded the protests in Hong Kong as riots and treason activities planned by foreign forces. The CCP also systematically created violent conflicts in various despicable ways to make a high-sounding excuse for sending troops to suppress the protests. Although the Chinese Communist regime has also assessed the risks and costs of making the second June4th Massacre, we must not underestimate the possibility that it will carry out bloody suppression of the democracy movement once again. We would like to remind Hong Kong compatriots to continue to「Be Water」 to flow and penetrate into the entire Hong Kong society. The brave warriors and the non-violent protestersmust unite to work together and to form an unbreakable united front. You must avoid direct violent confrontation and bloodshed and fully mobilize and integrate all liberal and democratic forces from all over the world to fight against the totalitarian autocracy.

Mainland citizens will never give up our pursuit of freedom and democracy. We pursued this in the1989 Democracy Movement, in the rights movement that began in2003, in the Charter08 Campaign and in the Jasmine Movement. In doing so, we participated in the New Citizen Movement, the Southern Street Movement, the Christian Movement, the Labor Movement, the Feminist Movement, the Environmental Movement and other social movements. All these efforts have echoed with the protests and activities in Hong Kong, including the June4th vigil and the July1st march, the Anti-legislation of Article23 in2003,the Occupy Central Campaign in2014, and the Anti-extradition bill protests in2019. In particular, we always remember the generous donations and humanitarian assistance provided by Hong Kong compatriots during the catastrophes the mainland people suffered during the June4th crackdown and the Wenchuan earthquake.

We are delighted to see that our compatriots in Hong Kong have already stood the forefront of the great struggle for freedom and democracy throughout China and the whole world. This is a great inspiration and promotion of the democracy movement in the mainland. The mainland is full of victims. Theyare in every field and every corner of the country, including education victims, religious victims, land seizure victims, victims suffering from toxic air, poisonous water, foods and poisonous vaccines, etc. We believe that all mainland victims will eventually realize that the root of all these disasters is the one-party dictatorship and together we will fight against the totalitarian autocratic regime and its dictators!

Freedom and equality, constitutionalism and democracy are the trend of the world! No one can stop this trend! Go Hong Kong! Go China! Unite for humanity!





我們深深地知道,這個依靠暴力和謊言起家並統治中國70年的政權,一如既往地把香港人民捍衛和爭取憲政、民主和法治的合法和正義的行動,抹黑為由境外敵對勢力操縱、由極少數人策劃的暴亂和叛國活動,並且以各種卑劣的方式有計劃地製造暴力衝突,以便為其出兵鎮壓提供冠冕堂皇的藉口。雖然中共政權也評估到了製造第二次六四大屠殺的風險和代價,但絕不能低估其再次以至多次喪心病狂地血腥鎮壓自由民主運動的可能性。大陸公民與香港同胞一榮俱榮,一損俱損,因此謹以兄弟姐妹的摯情厚意提醒你們,繼續Be Water,流動和滲透到整個香港社會;勇武抗爭者與和理非抗爭者聯合起來,分工合作,形成牢不可破的統一陣線;避免直接的暴力對抗和流血犧牲,充分發動、利用、整合來自全世界、大陸和香港的所有的自由民主力量,形成終結極權專制政權的反包圍圈和全球聯盟。




* Citizen Power Initiatives for China’s research arm Citizen Power Institute publishes CPIFC Briefing Series and CPIFC Monograph Series. The former are short essays or succinct scholarly articles that spontaneously reflect the realities of China while the latter are research reports on China’s politics, economics, culture, ethnicity, religion, civil society, human rights and strategies for its transition to democracy.

責任編輯: 李廣松  來源:議報 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
