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大陸民怨四起 鄭州民眾欲集體自殺







6月13號大陸《法制日報》報導,中共高院副院長張軍在法院系統的研討會上強調,「對極端仇視國家和社會的犯罪份子堅決重判」 。








Mass Suicide Planned in Despair

Mass protests are taking place all around China.
Recently, mass protests happened in Zhengzhou
(Henan) and Changsha (Hunan) as a result
of forced-demolitions. Villagers in Zhengzhou
even planned to commit mass suicide.
Zhang Jun's (Vice President of Supreme
People's Court) announced,, 「Criminals extremely
hostile to the country should be punished heavily,」
This provoked reactions from the Chinese people.

After the protests in Inner Mongolia, Li Chuan
(Hubei), Chaozhou and Zengcheng, Guangzhou
(Guangdong), mass protests recently took place
in Zhengzhou (Henan) and Changsha (Hunan).

According to HK's Apple Daily, conflicts between
villagers and police happened on June 12
in Waliu Village, Shifo Town in Zhengzhou's Hi-tech
Development Zone. Authorities sent out
nearly 1,000 police to besiege the villagers.
Because of the compensation issue, those villagers
have been gathering for 41 days. They set up camp
held banners, and swore to protect their homes.

According to villagers, in the transformation of Waliu,
the government and administration committee
used means to force villagers to agree on demolition.
Villagers didn't get compensation or living subsidies.
Their appeals failed. Developers started construction
before completing proper procedures. Villagers said
if the compensation issue wasn't solved,
they would commit mass suicide.

Forced-demolition aroused reactions among
500 people in Changsha, Hunan. On June 13,
in the morning, they held banners outside
the municipal government to protest against
demolition. In the afternoon, authorities sent out
hundreds of people to demolish their houses.
Hundreds of policemen were also sent out
with electric prods and shields, to arrest
people who refused to leave their houses.
The demolition was finally stopped by onlookers.

When the Loudi City Power Company in Hunan
was building a 220,000-volt cable pylon in the area
of residents' homes, some residents climbed
the pylon to protest. A pregnant woman
and several elders were beaten,
and some were arrested by authorities.

When civilians are helpless and can't right a wrong,
can their voices be treated rightly
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?

On June 13 China's Legal Daily reported
Zhang Jun's (Vice President of Supreme Court)
words on a seminar within the court system,
「Criminals extremely hostile to the country
or society should be punished heavily.」

China law expert, Jin Xiaopeng, thinks Zhang Jun's
words released by official media were to threaten
and alert. He believes those accusations
「deserving heavy punishment」 like 「Endangering
State Security」, are 「huge traps」 made easily.

Netizens commented: 「The accusation
of 「being hostile to the country and society」
could be applied to many issues, but it has nothing
to do with those corrupt officials who oppress
and irritate civilians. It is civilians who suffer.」

Another netizen believes that the oppressive CCP
drives the people to rebellion. Why not ask yourself
when emphasizing 「heavy punishment,」
why civilians are going to extremes?

A couple from Heilongjiang, Zhao Jingzhou
and Chen Huijuan, whose shop was demolished
and robbed, became rights activists 20 years ago.
Recently they were frequently harassed by police.
Chen was detained for 15 days without
written permition, for 「disturbing social order,」

Zhao Jingzhou (from Heilongjiang) said: 「I called
Tongjiang Police Station in Harbin and was told
that Chen Huijuan will be detained for 15 days
for disturbing social order. My wife took pictures
for me at the Flood Control Monument,
a scenic spot. What order did she disturb?」

A forced demolition victim, Zhao Jingzhou appealed
for 12 years without any result but a huge debt.
In despair, he committed self-immolation
outside Heilongjiang Supreme Court in April 2003
and was badly burned. Zhao: 「As a rights activist,
besides my case, I help other people too.」

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Bo Ni




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