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世界最漂亮遊艇完工 鏤空船身 裝備奢侈豪華


  該遊艇長達125米,長度超過了切爾西足球俱樂部老闆阿布拉莫維奇的遊艇,內部空間寬敞,建成之後,預計將吸引大批俄羅斯巨富。 tw.aboluowang.com

  據介紹,抱著要造一艘「獨特至尊享受遊艇」的目的,他打造了這艘20米梁的單殼船。該船的名字「泰森多邊形」是根據俄羅斯數學家喬治&#·沃洛諾伊提出的隨意幾何圖形空間概念而來。 tw.aboluowang.com

  金鉉錫介紹道,泰森多邊形隨處可見,該模式是一種在固體表面刨除多餘部位的特殊方法,這樣就能夠利用最少的材料建造最堅實的結構。 tw.aboluowang.com

  該遊艇利用的材料包括鋼、鋁以及強化塑料合成物,裝置了豪華的室內花園、酒吧、畫廊以及有音樂伴奏的餐廳。 tw.aboluowang.com


 Eye-catching: The distinctive lattice exterior of the Voronoi makes it unlike the average multi-million pound super-yacht tw.aboluowang.com


One of a kind: The Voronoi is an impressive 125m long, making it bigger than Roman Abramovich's Luna tw.aboluowang.com


  Plush: A large swimming pool comes as standard on board the 'unique and enjoyable' Voronoi tw.aboluowang.com


 Lap of luxury: The dining area and bar on board the mega-yacht are equally modern and impressive tw.aboluowang.com


 All aboard: The second tier on the Voronoi features more exclusive areas and ultra-sleek design tw.aboluowang.com


 Spectacular: A night-time design concept shows off the boat's unique lattice exterior the full tw.aboluowang.com


 Garden of paradise: The luxury vessel even includes a glorious garden surrounded by the boat's trademark 'honeycomb' facade tw.aboluowang.com


Ultimate relaxation: Guests on board would also be treated to hot tubs looking out on to the ocean and a golf green for refining your long game tw.aboluowang.com


  Spacious: The galley area offers further space and opportunities to live the high life tw.aboluowang.com


 Captain's quarters: Even the Voronoi's wheelhouse continues the lattice honeycomb structure theme in style

責任編輯: 楊秀  來源:中新網 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
