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太嚇人太抓耳了 墨西哥美音小蘿莉火爆網絡


最近《Rolling In The Deep》又火了,太抓耳了!還記得這個墨西哥10歲超美小蘿莉不?

Angie Vazquez激情翻唱Adele冠單Rolling In The Deep火爆網絡!那個小轉音好銷魂!!

Vazquez Sounds Cover - Rolling in The deep

In this music video, we found her a cute little girl. Who has the energetic vocal style and young couple style and the drummer is filled with talent. The guitar is very cool. Refer to the lead singer, her voice is full of energy and a singer the sounds very good one but this is her lack of emotion. No sense to the song. Likely cause of her age. This song referred to the woman that betrayed by the lover. At the first she was in mourning. She became angry and she will regret it more than men to do with her. The singer which may never come to this event. It was not the mood of the song. For both boys were on the internet. The girl were quite dramatic.


責任編輯: 鄭浩中   轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
