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美語怎麼說: 擺臭臉 恨瞪 睜大眼睛賣萌

Jessica在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是小北要問的:擺臭臉。XB: Jessica, 今天我可是太丟人了!Jessica: What happened?XB: 我在圖書館裡戴著耳機聽電腦里的音樂,結果發現大家都在皺著眉頭看我,...


XB: Jessica, 今天我可是太丟人了!

Jessica: What happened?

XB: 我在圖書館裡戴著耳機聽電腦里的音樂,結果發現大家都在皺著眉頭看我,最後圖書管理員過來說,請你把音樂關掉! 原來我的耳機沒插牢,音樂聲都跑出來了!

Jessica: Oh! That's why people were mean mugging you!

XB: 啊?什麼意思?

Jessica: To mean mug someone means to give someone an angry look.

XB: 啊,mean mug someone就是沖某人擺臭臉. I was wondering why everyone in the library was mean mugging me!

Jessica: You can also use the phrase "to give someone an evil eye." It also means to glare at someone with a lot of anger and hatred.

XB: I see. Give someone an evil eye就是恨恨地瞪著別人。那天我在銀行, someone cut in line. Oh, you should have seen the evil eye everybody gave him!

Jessica: 在銀行插隊被人瞪?活該!

XB: I agree! 對了,話說今天我學習了一天,發覺我的電腦實在太慢了,我打算跟我爸張口,讓他送我一台新的!

Jessica: Didn't your Dad just pay for your trip to Hong Kong?

XB:呵呵,那是沒錯啦! 不過,我爸特寵我,只要我對他撒撒嬌,裝裝可憐,他什麼都答應我!

Jessica: Haha! Daddy's little girl likes to use the puppy-dog eyes trick!

XB: puppy-dog eyes? 小狗的眼睛?

Jessica: 對啊。When you give someone those puppy-dog eyes, you enlarge your eyes over dramatically with a sad face to get whatever you desire.

XB: 哦!就是睜大眼睛,像小狗一樣賣萌裝可憐! Hey, my little nephew gives me those puppy-dog eyes every time he wants to play with my iPad!

Jessica: Did you give it to him?

XB: 我才不吃這一套!

Jessicaf: So what did he do?

XB: 那還用問,he started mean mugging me!

XB: 今天我們學了,擺臭臉是mean mug someone; 恨恨瞪別人是give someone an evil eye; 睜大眼睛賣萌裝可憐是give someone those puppy-dog eyes.

責任編輯: 趙亮軒   轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
