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烏克蘭飛碟視頻是由一個被稱為07TV的YouTube頻道發布,它提供了許多有關UFO的影片。同時一個名為「turnerradionetwork」turnerradionetwork.com的網絡媒體則稱此雪茄型不明飛行物是美國部署在烏克蘭的先進飛行器,被媒體稱為「UFO",並稱此飛行器為美國「壯觀的新的軍事資產」spectacular new military asset 。


U.S. Deploys"UFO""Sky Dreadnought" Over Ukraine; Media Calls it"UFO" 

http://turnerradionetwork.com/news/35... The United States has deployed a spectacular new military asset in the skies over the Ukraine. The craft made its presence known on March6, in broad daylight, and it so baffled media and local residents, they called it a"UFO." Since the craft has now been publicly seen, TRN is pleased to be able to report the development and deployment of the new"Sky Dreadnought." Video of the craft over Ukraine and further details, below.
The Sky Dreadnought is the most advanced military weapons system in the history of human existence. Nothing on the face of the earth can even come close to comparing. The ship, a long, cigar-shaped craft, is almost3,000 feet long, about the length of three aircraft carriers.
It flies by virtue of a gravity-manipulation system, allowing it to operate at any altitude- even into space- and return, without need of jet engines, propellers, massive fuel tanks or rocket engines. All this is achieved by the manipulation of earth's gravity, which, for all intents and purposes, affords unlimited motion possibilities.
Since the craft manipulates gravity, there are ZERO gravitational effects upon the crew or systems inside the craft. Instead of the craft moving despite gravity, gravity itself moves*with* the craft. This means the craft can maneuver at previously impossible angles and speeds without the crew suffering any"G-forces." 

While it's maximum speed is classified, TRN can report the Sky Dreadnought can easily travel in excess of ten thousand miles per hour inside earth's atmosphere, or stop and hover--- all of it totally silently. Not only can it achieve these amazing speeds, it can do so almost instantaneously, making the craft totally untouchable by any weapons system on earth. 
The exterior of the craft is coated with trillions of nanites, so technologically advanced, it cannot be tracked by radar, cannot be locked-onto by fire control radar of any type, cannot be tracked by infra-red or other heat-seeking weapons. These nanites are not only part of the anti-radar features of the craft, they are also part of the defensive"light-bending" visual stealth, communications and weapons systems. 

For defensive purposes, the nanites can be used to view and transfer images seen on one side of the craft, to the other side, meaning the craft can seem to"disappear" to the naked eye.
At left, a photo of one of dozens of exterior hull sections being moved into position for assembly.

For communications, other nanites direct all electromagnetic emissions to the sky, making it impossible for ground or air-based radio-tracking or communication interception.

As to weaponry, the Sky Dreadnought does not use any conventional weapons. All of its weapons are a type of pulse-plasma beams which, when seen by the naked eye, appear to be blueish-white, focused bolts of lighting. The weapons were first used on an experimental basis in the second Iraq war, where prototypes were tank-mounted, and were seen melting cars, trucks and buses to the shock and horror of the Iraqi troops who witnessed their use. The weapons operate360 degrees vertically and360 degrees horizontally without any blind spots. Nothing can escape the crafts' weapons and no man-made object on earth can withstand being hit by the beams. Metals turn molten and melt in seconds; concrete is reduced to powder instantly. Human bodies shrivel to burnt/melted hulks the size of infants, in less than one second. 

責任編輯: 鄭浩中   轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
