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他出鏡BBC 被稱中國最有錢的兒子

近日,有王思聰出鏡的BBC紀錄片《中國的秘密》引起熱議。來自英國的Billie JD Porter深入中國尋常百姓生活,總結出中國人的主流價值取向:財富、服從和婚姻,並專訪了王思聰。王思聰全程說著流利的英語,分析問題也頭頭是道。



B:Do you think that part of the reason gaming is so popular here is because people kind of actually enjoy living in the fantasy worlds that they explore in the games more than their lives here that are just,you know,dictated by their parents' expectations and all the pressure of school?


SC:It's really the pressure of escaping from the mundane life,the day-to-day life,of really just school and home and just studying all the time.


B:Is there any way to escape the system here?


SC:Well,I think escaping the system would be suicide.First of all,your parents would probably kill you,yeah,because there is really no way…,Unless you are extremely confident and extremely stupid,there is really no way of succeeding outside the system.


B: Being an adult is really knowing who you are,but over here it feels like people tell you who you are.


SC:The state chooses what’s mainstream and you have to conform to that.If you ideals are not mainstream,then you're wrong,but,of course,everyone has their own ideas,so what they do is they put on a mask and they go forward in life with the mask.Why is online gaming becoming so popular in China?Because once you go online you can take off that mask and say whatever you really think instead of what is mainstream.


B:Do you think that the lack of freedom here leads to people being unhappy?


SC:I think at some point you just accept it.


B: Do you think…


SC:That’s why you don’t see many people protesting in China,I suppose.


B: You don’t see many people protesting in China?


SC:Yeah,because they realise… some point in time,some point in class,that even by protesting they can’t change much.


B:Shall I come over here and start a gang,start a movement?


SC:They could arrest you for that,so it’s…I mean,in China,where the line is really quite questionable.We don’t really know where the line is.The laws are not very explicit.


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