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全球娛樂圈染疫 明星名人相繼確診


「中共病毒」已在全球大流行。疫情之下,人心惶惶,娛樂圈遭受重創。繼早前傳出好萊塢巨星湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks)等多個明星名人染疫的消息後,被譽為「世界三大男高音之一」的西班牙歌唱家普拉西多·多明戈,3月22日也宣布檢測結果呈陽性反應。

當地時間3月22日晚,西班牙歌唱家普拉西多·多明戈(西班牙語:José Plácido Domingo Embil)在facebook(fb)宣布,他此前因為發燒和咳嗽,進行病毒檢測的結果呈陽性反應。目前他和家人已自我隔離。




在多明戈自曝染疫的同一天,55歲的美國女星黛碧·梅瑟(Debi Mazar)在Instagram(IG)發文確認,自己染上「中共肺炎」,目前和家人都在家中自我隔離14天,並呼籲外界儘量待在在家中保護自己,增強自身的免疫力。

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I have just tested positive for Covid-19.I AM OK! About a month ago my entire home(husband and two teen daughters) got an odd bug- Low grade fever,headaches,sore throat,body aches,ears ringing and a dry cough.It cleared up quickly.Seasonal I thought?but it felt unusual/different… Two weeks later,March15th,I woke up with all those same symptoms but super intense body aches,and102.4 fever.I figured maybe I got the flu or..Corona?I had had cocktails the evening prior,and smoked a few cigarettes. I figured I had jacked my immune system from having a fun night with friends.I called a doctor/friend to ask if I could get the Covid-19 test on3/16.He said NO,I didn’t meet the criteria.I hadn’t recently traveled out of the country&I hadnt been with someone who had actually tested positive.I found this kind of a CRAZY criteria for a NY』er as I had taken the subway,gone to the theater,the grocery store,the pharmacy,hair salon,etc.I was the Mom who was trying to prepare the home and get supplies&bleach wipes,dry goods.extra food etc. Because we have Italian family in Italy and we follow the news closely,my biggest panic was why were they not closing schools in NYC&forbidding movement outside the home without permission,like China and all of Europe? Prospect Park yesterday,i hear was jumpin』! A friend told me that CityMD/Urgent Care in my neighborhood had test kits,which appealed to me as I wanted to stay away from the hospital. I went on3/17.First I was tested for the flu-which was negative.Then they tested me for Covid-19. I was sent home and told to quarantine myself until I had results,which would take3-7 days(in S.Korea it takes two hours) Well..today is day5 and I just found out.Im hoping I』ve been through the worst of it already.Its very「morphy」.One day I feel crappy and the next I’m normal.Today my lungs are heavy,but I’m tough. I can breath,and I’m going to heal here,in my own home!My family is under quarantine for14 days.They have no symptoms.I think we all had it possibly already?Who knows. Anyhow,stay home people!Protect yourselves&your loved ones.Build up your immune systems.Good Luck&God Bless us all!#alonetogether#physicaldistancing#stayhome

A post shared by Debi Mazar(@debimazar) on Mar21,2020 at1:01pm PDT

仍然是在3月22日,美國搖滾樂團「邦喬飛」58歲鍵盤手大衛‧布萊恩(David Bryan)在IG寫道,當天他拿到檢測結果,對「中共病毒」呈陽性反應。

十天前,即3月12日,在澳洲拍戲的奧斯卡影帝湯姆‧漢克斯(Tom Hanks)在IG發文表示,他與妻子麗塔‧威爾森(Rita Wilson)雙雙在澳洲確診:「我們感覺有點累,就像得感冒,身體有些酸痛。麗塔覺得身體忽冷忽熱,也有輕微發燒。」湯姆‧漢克斯成為率先公開確診的明星。

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Hello folks.@ritawilson and I want to thank everyone here Down Under who are taking such good care of us. We have Covid-19 and are in isolation so we do not spread it to anyone else. There are those for whom it could lead to a very serious illness. We are taking it one-day-at-a-time. There are things we can all do to get through this by following the advice of experts and taking care of ourselves and each other, no? Remember, despite all the current events, there is no crying in baseball. Hanx

A post shared by Tom Hanks(@tomhanks) on Mar12,2020 at7:08pm PDT

隨後傳出「插曲」:澳大利亞資深記者理察·威爾金斯(Richard Wilkins)在雪梨歌劇院接觸了漢克斯妻子麗塔·威爾遜後,發文稱自己的肺炎病毒檢測呈陽性。


據最新消息,湯姆‧漢克斯夫婦目前正在租屋處接受治療,漢克斯的親姐姐桑德拉·漢克斯(Sandra Hanks)對媒體透露,湯姆‧漢克斯目前「過得不太好,但還過得去」。


曾在《007》中飾演邦女郎的烏克蘭女演員歐嘉‧柯瑞蘭寇(Olga Kurylenko),當天在IG透露,自己的病毒檢測呈陽性,目前在家中隔離。她當時稱自己已經病了近一周,主要症狀是發燒和疲倦。

參演《復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰》(Avengers:Infinity War)的伊德瑞斯·艾爾巴(Idris Elba)在Twitter的視頻中說,他對「中共病毒」檢查結果呈陽性反應,但當時並沒有病徵。表示自己正在家中隔離,其妻子正等候檢測結果,還希望大家不要慌亂。

47歲的英國導演兼演員伊德里斯·厄爾巴(Idris Elba)也於這天在推特自曝,他的病毒檢測呈陽性。並猜測,他可能是3月13日前自己與一位病毒檢測呈陽性的人接觸過。因此他開始自我隔離。

3月16日,全球知名的唱片公司「環球音樂」董事長兼CEO路西昂‧格蘭奇(Lucian Grainge)也爆確診。當時的消息稱,格蘭奇在洛杉磯UCLA醫療中心治療。由於他之前剛辦60歲生日派對,蘋果CEO庫克(Tim Cook)等名人受邀出席,估計多人陷入感染危機。

曾為《冰雪奇緣2》中北烏卓人哈妮瑪倫配音的26歲美國女星瑞秋·馬休斯(Rachel Matthews),3月16日晚也自曝確診。她表示,自己也不知道接下來該怎麼辦,但顯然還要繼續隔離治療。她公布了當時的症狀表現,希望能起到幫助大家的作用。

接著,在HBO《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)中飾演「巨人克星托蒙德」(Tormund Giantsbane)的挪威演員克里斯多福·希夫朱(Kristofer Hivju),3月17日在IG宣布了自己確診的消息:「很抱歉告訴大家,今天我檢測武漢肺炎(中共病毒),結果呈陽性。我和家人目前正在挪威家中自主隔離。」

3月18日,29歲的好萊塢音樂製作人安德魯瓦特(Andrew Watt)在IG上以黑底白字形式,向外界表達自己染病的消息,更形容自己的身體「像是被公車撞上」,要靠氧氣機才能呼吸。消息傳來,娛樂圈一陣錯愕。

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A post shared by WATT(@thisiswatt) on Mar17,2020 at4:44am PDT

據美媒《好萊塢報導者》(THR)報導,美國福克斯(Fox)電視網旗下影集《neXt》早前剛在芝加哥完成拍攝,3月10日就驚傳有劇組人員確診,采檢出現陽性反應。報導引述《芝加哥論壇報》(Chicago Tribune)上的一份報告指,確診的是一名從加州來到芝加哥的50多歲的女性,但未點名是誰。

在全球娛樂圈,還有泰國著名演員、前歌手及主持人馬修·迪恩(Matthew Dean)3月13日在IG宣布染疫。他強調,自己沒有開玩笑,並告知過去三四天內與他近距離接觸過的人,都要監察自己的症狀。




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