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台灣防治中共病毒武漢肺炎,COVID-19)成效斐然,備受全球矚目。對此,紐西蘭總理阿爾登(Jacinda Ardern)上周在一場演講中向紐國全體人民聲明,紐西蘭政府與中共有3個歧見,包含台灣應參與世界衛生組織(WHO)、港版國安法、以及維吾爾族人處境。


阿爾登上周在年度中國商務峰會(China Business Summit)上,對400位紐西蘭重要商界人士演講;而我國駐奧克蘭辦事處今(28)日透過臉書分享阿爾登的演講全文。





The New Zealand government takes a stance where, as representatives of the New Zealand people, we think that the public has a direct and resounding interest in the outcome. As you know, this has come to the fore recently around developments like Hong Kong's new security law, the situation of the Uyghur people in Xinjiang province, and Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organisation.

This is important to who we are as New Zealanders.

責任編輯: 寧成月  來源:三立新聞 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
