聯合民族解放陣線(UNLF)又稱曼尼普爾聯合民族解放陣線,常年活躍於印度東北部曼尼普爾省,是一個分離運動組織,印度內政部長夏哈(Amit Shah)本周三(29)宣布,這古老的武裝組織,稍早已經在新德里簽署和平協議,並將很快「加入主流」意即不在追求武裝獨立,影片中也可以看到UNLF解除武裝的畫面。
The peace agreement signed today with the UNLF by the Government of India and the Government of Manipur marks the end of a six-decade-long armed movement.
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) November 29, 2023
It is a landmark achievement in realising PM @narendramodi Ji's vision of all-inclusive development and providing a better… pic.twitter.com/P2TUyfNqq1
據《印度時報》(Times of India)29日報導,夏哈讚許這一成就是「歷史性里程碑」,也是莫迪(Narendra Modi)政府帶頭「努力不懈」之下成功在東北部省份建立永久和平。
The peace agreement signed today with the UNLF by the Government of India and the Government of Manipur marks the end of a six-decade-long armed movement.
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) November 29, 2023
It is a landmark achievement in realising PM @narendramodi Ji's vision of all-inclusive development and providing a better… pic.twitter.com/P2TUyfNqq1
曼尼普爾省省長辛赫(Biren Singh):「…今天與UNLF簽署的和平協議標誌著長達60年的武裝運動結束。這是實現莫迪總理包容性發展願景,並提供印度東北部的年輕人有更美好的未來,」並表示:「莫迪總理對東北部更加光明與和平的堅定支持和願景使這一切成為可能。願這項合作努力為曼尼普爾省和整個地區和諧繁榮的未來做出貢獻。」
The oldest armed group of Manipur has chosen the path of peace, renouncing violence to join the mainstream and embrace democracy. The United National Liberation Front (UNLF) has signed a peace agreement in New Delhi, marking a significant milestone in our relentless pursuit of… pic.twitter.com/aBmkU0D9NT
— N.Biren Singh (@NBirenSingh) November 29, 2023
內政部表示,聯合解放陣線「重返主流」也將鼓勵其他山谷武裝團體在適當的時候參與和平進程,其他武裝組織例如曼尼普爾人民軍(MPA)。就在幾天前,曼尼普爾省省長辛赫表示,省政府正在與因帕爾山谷(Imphal Valley)裡面一支叛亂組織舉行會談。他保證很快就會簽署和平協議。