據《CNN News18》27日報導,網友認為達文西名作《最後的晚餐》(The Last Supper)遭到褻瀆,德州記者貝克(Kyle Becker)在社群媒體平台X上寫道:「2024巴黎奧運完全進入了覺醒反烏托邦(Woke dystopia)。開幕式充斥著對《最後的晚餐》的變性人嘲弄,金牛犢偶像(Moloch,惡魔摩洛克),甚至是《啟示錄》中的天啟騎士。奧運會就是在說這裡不歡迎基督徒。」
The 2024 Paris Olympics has gone full Woke dystopian.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) July 26, 2024
The opening ceremony was filled with transgend*r mockery of the Last Supper, the Golden Calf idol, and even the Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation.
The Olympics has made it clear that Christian viewers aren't welcome. pic.twitter.com/LgawyE6YRX
美國知名人物和政治評論員譴責此舉,認為這是不尊重基督教,向全球24億基督徒傳遞了排斥的信息。美國電台主持人羅素(Clint Russell)表示:「用變裝皇后替代耶穌和門徒來開幕是不可以接受的。」美國非政府組織司法觀察總裁湯費頓(Tom Fitton)說:「跨國左翼蔑視西方文明。」
巴黎奧運團隊辯稱,這場表演旨在幽默地強調人類暴力的荒謬。然而,反彈仍在繼續,一些評論者對在奧運會這樣的公共場合嘲弄宗教傳統表示擔憂。但《福斯新聞》(Fox News)指出,開幕式還包括其他具爭議的場景,如無頭瑪麗·安東妮(Marie-Antoinette)和暗示法國國家圖書館中發生性行為的場景,
Do not be discouraged by the abhorrent Satanic ritual the entire world just watched for the opening of the Olympics.
— LIZ CROKIN (@LizCrokin) July 27, 2024
This was a massive red pill for the normies who believe people like myself and YOU are 「crazy」 for accurately stating the world is run by an elite group of… pic.twitter.com/d2ZoQxk6sM
法國保守派政治家和歐洲議會議員(MEP)馬雷夏爾(Marion Marechal)警告國際觀眾,這種極端表演不完全代表法國人民的意見。她寫道:「對於觀看#Paris2024開幕式並因這場《最後的晚餐》變裝皇后模仿,感到被侮辱的全球基督徒們,請知道這不是法國的聲音,而是一個左翼少數派的挑釁。」
The opening ceremony of the Olympics is not even hiding the satanic rituals anymore.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) July 26, 2024
There is no longer anything hidden in plain sight.
These are the demonic dark forces of Satan who want to eclipse the light.
You can already see:
- Skulls
- Motifs of death
- Satanic red… pic.twitter.com/0C0zsfWd1X
印度《Times Now》報導引述社群媒體X平台的用戶@ShadowofEzra吸引了300多萬點擊次數的貼文,用戶貼文寫道:「奧運開幕式毫不掩飾撒旦儀式了,如今一切都光明正大直接攤開來,這些是撒旦的邪惡黑暗勢力,他們企圖掩蓋光明。」並引述了《啟示錄6:8》:「我就觀看,看見一匹灰色馬;騎在馬上的,名字叫作「死」,陰間也隨著他;有權柄賜給他們,可以用刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫、野獸,殺害地上四分之一的人。」
If you have any doubt what is going on at the Olympics opening ceremony
— Vision4theBlind (@Vision4theBlind) July 26, 2024
A single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of Revelation
"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto… pic.twitter.com/r4sIcAIwAG