苗華11月9日被軍紀委直接帶走,11月10日我就做了一期節目,不少人動輒嘲諷是聽床師,我一直認為,中共這種黑箱政治,都只能靠打探消息,即使是有影響力的國際媒體,所謂聽床也是需要一定的分析辨別能力的,去年李尚福被抓的第二天,我就對外宣布了這條消息,不少外媒來電詢問是否真實可靠,我無法拍著胸脯做出承諾,記得最早是自由亞洲率先轉發了消息,很快又刪了,直到隔了幾天,有另外的國際媒體公開報導,其他媒體才紛紛跟進,更有意思的是,《讀賣新聞》專門讓北京分社社長飛到美國來跟我交流該消息的真偽,對於黨國傳出的有些消息可能延遲,但清洗和立威是習近平時代的主旋律,每一個黨政軍高官都有可能淪為殉葬品,就像毛澤東時代追隨他輔佐他的那些老帥和幕僚一樣,這是專制政權的基本特徵! Miao Hua was taken away by the Military Discipline Commission on November9. I did a show on November10. Many people mocked me as a bed eavesdropper. I have always believed that the CCP's black-box politics can only be solved by getting information. Even for influential international media, the so-called bed eavesdropping requires a certain level of analytical and discerning ability. The day after Li Shangfu was arrested last year, I announced the news to the public. Many foreign media called to ask whether it was true and reliable. I could not promise anything. I remember that Radio Free Asia was the first to forward it. The news was soon deleted again. It was not until a few days later that other international media reported it publicly and other media followed up. What's more interesting is that the Yomiuri Shimbun specially sent the president of its Beijing branch to the United States to discuss the authenticity of the news with me. Some news from the party-state may be delayed, but purge and establishing authority are the main themes of the Xi Jinping era. Every senior official in the party, government and military may become a sacrificial victim, just like those old generals and staff who followed and assisted him in the Mao Zedong era. This is the basic characteristic of an authoritarian regime!