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剛從坎培拉回來,非常累! 但有幾句話不吐不快

剛從CANBERA回來,非常累! 但有幾句話不吐不快.


今天我基本都在觀察周圍澳人的反映.回來的路上, 收聽廣播, 感覺他們的談話和我了解到的情況一致! 儘管心理很難受和氣憤,但還是要反省一下我們自己.

首先,應該說今天 我們上了ZD的當! 他們今天十分安靜! 尤其幾個老年婦女,穿的非常得體, 說話非常柔和,向周圍的人宣傳GCD殺他們的親人!很打動人心! 還有幾個人把槍殺的照片放大,掛在胸前. 我想這就是大多數西方人站在他們一邊的原因. 

由此,他們今天變成了和平的抗議者. 深受西方人的歡迎. 我想這是他們的戰略的重要調整. 是他們重大的陰謀! 因為, 很多媒體開始把中國人當成麻煩或暴力的製造者. 如:

*很多人打電話抱怨中國人,向反對者威脅,吼叫,造成心理恐懼! .
*對支持ZD的西人, 喊叫」Go Home! 不尊重個人的權利.有個人說"好象只有他們有權,我們沒有這樣的權利. 

大聲並不意味著真理. 沒有任何宣傳資料, 和針鋒相對的宣傳,光喊口號, 引人反感! 特別是他們本身就不站在我們這邊! 我聽到很多澳洲女人抱怨,甚至詛咒我們.

今天我們另一個大失敗是:我們成為政治抗議者!把政治帶入到這個盛會! 原因就是我們中國學生的圍堵政策!使廣播媒體多次指出,中國學生是政治抗議!說學生來支持奧運, 鬼才相信!  廣場的主持人的警告,我想是針對中國人的吧! 現場我聽到幾個西人,很生氣,甚至辱罵.他們是來看儀式的.

再一個就是紅旗! 西方人真的不了解我們的文化! 紅色給他們帶來的是厭惡和恐懼! 一片紅海洋,肯定不會帶來好感! 的確確讓澳洲人十分不安!



坎培拉火炬接力剛剛落幕, 澳洲主串流媒體卻大量報導受中共控制的紅衛兵的醜行。


雪梨(每日電訊)以「在坎培拉火炬接力暴亂中的中國暴民」 一文,痛坼中共。

布里斯班 (信使報)以「火炬接力示威炸鍋,警察對中國暴民失控」 來檢討警察對西藏支持者欠保護。

全國性報紙(澳洲人報)以「中國人被指控對示威者拳打腳踢」 為題,詳細報導糞青的惡行。

墨爾本 (時代報)以「奧運火炬惡棍激起眾怒」 為大標題, 表現澳洲主流社會對這場由中共一手導演的醜劇的憤怒。


節選自《時代報》2008/04/24電子版「Anger over Olympic torch 'thugs'」

One woman called Marie said she was mobbed by screaming Chinese students as she tried to watch the relay go past. She had to be rescued and escorted away by police.
Alistair Paterson, 52, from Lake George outside Canberra, said he was standing with his seven-year-old daughter on Limestone Avenue with an older couple, their teenage son and two other young women when they were attacked by a group of about 50 people draped in Chinese flags.

Mr Paterson said he was holding a "Free Tibet" banner and the older couple also had a pro-Tibet placard, which angered the group as it ran along the crowd side of the barrier.

"I got a flying kick in the leg, another bloke was hit in the head with a stick with a Chinese flag attached to it and our banners were torn down," Mr Paterson said.

"When I looked around there were three or four guys who I can only assume were Chinese who wanted to fight me.

"This gang of thugs rolled right through us and we had kids with us. My daughter was still shaking an hour later and is very quiet even now.

"I don't normally get angry but I am so angry right now."

Mr Paterson said he had wanted to show his daughter the meaning of peaceful demonstration.

"We were just a small group of people basically exercising our right, our responsibility to say 'We don't think this is correct'," he said.

"I have heard the police on the radio saying the security was great. Maybe for the torch it was. We told police what had happened to us and they just said 'We know what is going on'."

Another pro-Tibet protester, Marion Vecourcay, said she felt frightened and threatened by the Chinese demonstrators.

"They mobbed the sign, they were really aggressive, insulting and swearing," she said.

"They said we have no right to be here but I live up the street.

"It was just a mob mentality."

Pro-China demonstrator Jeff Li yelled at the pro-Tibetan supporters: "The Dalai Lama is a hypocrite, a liar, an ugly man."

Mr Li said the pro-Tibet protesters were ill-informed.

"These people are idiots, they know nothing about China's history," Mr Li said.

ACT police said seven people were arrested during the relay and would soon be charged with offences relating to the "major events security act".

Five were pro-China protesters, two were pro-Tibet, police said.





ZT 我知道轉這樣的帖子上來肯定會傷很多糞糞們的心 但是我更不忍心你們這樣繼續被騙和自欺下去 太殘忍太可憐了

請理解我. 謊言晚破不如早破 清醒點吧:為了中國人民,不要再支持中共那個壞政府了




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