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十二月十日這一天,對許多人來說意義非凡,因為這一天是阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾去世的日子,也是國際人權日,還是諾貝爾獎的頒獎日。但是,二0一0 年的這一天,挪威奧斯陸的諾貝爾頒獎大會卻沒有高舉人權大旗,而是宣讀了今年諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波的《我沒有敵人——我的最後陳述》,這份陳述傳遞給世界的信息是讓世人忘卻中共極權制度的反人類罪行並加以無條件寬恕。
「昨夜,讓朋友即時發來頒獎實況,用手機簡訊告之我。我眼含淚水,心中感慨二十一年半就這麼過去了……最後宣讀劉曉波的『最後的陳述』時,我心徹骨的涼…… 青春的代價和二十一年的坎坷,等來的卻是『我沒有敵人、我沒有仇恨』在世界宣揚,『最後的陳述』等同於在世界傳播中共人權進步的表揚信。」
Liu Xiaobo Conveyed the Wrong Message to the World Through "I Have No Enemies"
Text  by Diane Liu ,   Translation by Professor Xu Yi  

December 10 is an extraordinary day to many people, because it is the day Alfred Nobel passed away, the International Human Rights Day and the day the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded.  However,  for this day in 2010,  instead of holding high the flag of human rights, the award ceremony this year read aloud 「I Have No Enemies — My Final Statement」 by Liu Xiaobo, this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The message conveyed to the world by this statement is that people should forget the crimes against humanity committed by the totalitarian Chinese communist regime and forgive the regime unconditionally.
 「I Have No Enemies — My Final Statement 」 is a court statement made by Liu Xiaobo on December 23, 2009, after he had been illegally detained for a year. As soon as it was released, the statement was severely criticized by Chinese pro-democracy activists both within and outside of China.
At a time when people were protesting against the illegal detention of Liu Xiaobo for his speech, Liu himself elaborated on the 「humane management」 of the prison, claiming that 「the Chinese Communist Party has made progress in its governing concept」 and that 「human rights have become one of the fundamental principles of Chinese law.」 One may rightly ask, if the Chinese Communist Party has made such progress as declared by Liu, why did it arrest him and sentence him to 11 years in prison just for his speech?
The fact is, human rights conditions in China have worsened: The Chinese Communist Party has been continuously persecuting Falun Gong, a spiritual faith group, for over 11 years, and more than ever before the people have been imprisoned for being treated as 「the factor causing instability of the society.」 As a result, those civil rights activists, journalists, blog writers, religious believers, and people who try to protect their own legal rights and interests become political prisoners or prisoners of conscience. The persecution of people involved in the June 4th movement in 1989 is still happening. All this shows that the Chinese Communist regime has never stopped abusing human rights, and never honored their promise to respect human rights.
Just on that day on December 10, 2010, Mr. Wu Wenjian, who was labeled as a 「June 4th rioter」 and was imprisoned for many years,  wrote in Twitter:
 「Last night, I asked a friend to send me through text message in real time moment by moment scenes at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. My eyes were wet: It has been 21 years! …… When Liu Xiaobo’s 『My Final Statement』 was read, my heart sank to the bottom …… After paying the price of my youth and 21 years of hardship, what I have waited for is that the message to the world that 『I have no enemies』 and 『I have no hatred』. The 『My Final Statement』 is no less than a letter of compliment to the Chinese Communist Party’s progress on human rights, which is spreading all over the world via the award ceremony.」
 「I have no enemies」 is a betrayal of the prisoners of conscience, a defamation of those who perished in the June 4th massacre, and an insult to those who have sacrificed so much for the cause of democratization in China. It is a continuation of Liu’s whitewashing of the human rights record in China in the last 20 years, and it is yet another exposure of himself as a hypocrite who always tries to please the Chinese Communist Regime. This is a re-enactment of his speech on the Chinese national TV 20 years ago openly denying that any killing had occurred in Tiananmen Square.
Twenty years ago, Liu proposed his 「no enemy」 maxim, namely, not treating the Communist Party as an enemy. Today, the moderate collaborationists defend him by saying that this is his 「great love」 after achieving thorough awakening and enlightenment. In fact, this is deliberately confusing religious and legal concepts by substituting modern legal justice and protection of human rights with religious forgiveness.
We all know that a nation has no future if it forgets its own history. The memorials erected by the Jewish people all over the world  tell the world that 「those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it.」 At the moment when the Chinese Communist Party is trampling human rights without fear, Liu Xiaobo’s call for people not to treat Communism as an enemy is to ask people to forget the crimes committed by the regime, to forget the unspeakable sufferings of hundreds of millions of Chinese people under the totalitarian Communist rule, and to forgive the Communist regime who is still continuing to commit crimes.
Today, in dealing with the Chinese Communist regime, the West has softened its stand on human rights due to consideration for its own economic interests, and lessened the pressure on the Chinese Communist Party. In such a background, the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, a highly controversial figure, and the reading of his 「I Have No Enemies — My Final Statement」 on the awarding ceremony gives him another chance to whitewash the human rights record of the Chinese Communist regime. Not only does all this hurt the Chinese democracy cause and the opponents under suppression and persecution within China, but also shames the Nobel Peace Prize Award itself.
Diane Xiaodong Liu
Freelance writer, Pen name: San Mei.  Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements.  Now living in Chicago, USA.
Tel: 312-733-8123
Email: DianeLiu28@sbcglobal.net
Xu Yi                          
Associate Professor at University College London, UK.  Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements, and denied passport  renewal for many years.  Now living in London, UK.
Cell:  +44 07910 455 428.
Tel:  020 7679 4082 (internal 24082)
Fax: 020 7679 4238
Email: yi@phon.ucl.ac.uk




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