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魏京生闡述:劉曉波的運動 不就是當局的幫凶嘛





義大利《自由紀事》 http://www.liberal.it/












nache di Liberal
October 15, 2010

What Today's Nobel Peace Prize Offers?

-- Wei Jingsheng

Once, the Nobel Peace Prize was the one prize in the world that
received most people's attention. Awardees like Nelson Mandela
represented those who offered the world a moral example. They
inspired people to make sacrifices for ideals and beliefs, for other
people's happiness. Awardees like Sakharov represented the opposition
current of suppressed people under a Communist rule, as well as the
conscience of the intellectuals. They led the people to tear down the
Berlin Wall, to bring hope to those people yearning for democracy and

If a person took part in the Tiananmen movement, but then bowed to the
authoritarian rule and repented in prison, we can forgive him,
understanding his difficulty. But, we will never set him up as a role
model to educate young people, to teach our own children.

If this person not only bowed to repent, but also helped the butchers
lie on the autocratic regime's official television station nationwide
about the 1989 democracy movement in Beijing, claiming that he did not
see any people die in TianAnMen Square when there was a bloodshed from
the June 4 Massacre, then we already have difficulty forgiving him.
That is because he has become the accomplice of the executioners.
Maybe it was his wish to be released to be the reluctant reason, which
he later expressed in his letter to his friends very clearly.

If, after his release, when he did not have to bear the pressure of
prison, he still used an even more vicious slander to defame that 1989
democracy movement, claiming that it was a movement initiated by lies
and deceiving people, then this person's moral credit is completely

That person is Liu Xiaobo, this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner. So
which kind of role model does the Nobel Peace Prize Committee want to
set for the young people in this world? Do not say they do not
understand these situations. These statements are in the official
record, some of which are written in the books Liu Xiaobo published

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee obviously anticipated these
situations. Before they announced the award, they said that this
year's Peace Prize will bring a new direction for the world. In other
words, regardless of the moral image, they want to bring a new
political direction. In the cases of Andrei Sakharov and Lech Walesa,
they encouraged the resistance movements by the people which Sakharov
and Walesa represented.

Liu Xiaobo indeed represents a different kind of movement in China.
When the people are forced to pick up their cleaver for self defense,
when a teenage girl has to kill the people who tried to gang rape her,
Liu's movement holds its attitude against them, even though they have
no recourse through the autocratic state. When people use legal means
to peacefully ask the tyrants to return their property and rights, Liu
and his gang apply cynicism against them.

So to other people, the actions of Liu are not opposition, not
dissident, but being the accomplice of the Communist regime. Is that
the new direction that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee is trying to
bring the world? Indeed, it is. As the Chinese Communists use their
business opportunity to buy out the capitalists over the world, the
Western politicians who are bought out by the capitalists need a
political direction like this. If the expression in the past was not
obvious enough, and did not make an impact in China, then this time's
Nobel Peace Prize is using a much more explicit way to tell people
opposed to the suppression: Western democracies do not support you.

Even the warmth of a Children's Choir and an empty seat cannot cover
up this cold reality.
__ __ __

The original Italian version of the article in .pdf file is in the attachment.




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