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人民銀行三調存准率 面臨升息難關









China Bank More Indebted?

People』s Bank of China announced an increase
of deposits held in reserve by 0.5%, to 20%.
This is the third time the ratio is raised this year.
For smaller institutions, the ratio is 16.5%.
This means interest rates will rise soon.
Experts worry the bank will be more indebted.

People』s bank will raise the reserve ratio by 0.5%.
This will lock up RMB 360 billion,
and reduce interest income by RMB 5 billion.

According to Reuters, in February,
China』s consumer price index (CPI)
was 4.9% higher than the same period last year.
Producer price index (PPI) is 7.2% higher.

Macro-economist, Sheng Hongqing, said China』s
inflation pressure is high and CPI may reach 5%
by July. Fiscal policy may tighten,
and interest rates may rise.

A Financial Times article points out that
commercial banks set the limit of 75%
as the ratio of deposit that can be used for loans.
Commercial loans increased rapidly since 2009,
and some banks raised the deposit loan ratio
to approach the 75% critical limit.

Theoretically, upper limit for reserve ratio is 25%.
Banks can use 75% of deposits in loans,
and 25% in reserve. But to maintain cash flow,
banks cannot use all non-loan funds for reserve.
So reserve』s upper limit should be 20-22%.
China Bank has little room to raise reserve ratio.
Raising interest rate will be used to deter inflation,
and the bank will incur further debt.

China』s huge foreign reserve is often seen
as an asset, but Chinese banks also owe huge debts.
In 2010, China』s foreign reserve
was US$2847.3 billion. People』s Bank』s total assets
were RBM25.93 trillion, including foreign assets
of RMB 20.67 trillion. If its own fund
of RMB 21.975 billion is net asset, People』s Bank』s
debt ratio must have been 99.1% in 2010.
RMB appreciation will devalue foreign asset.

People』s Bank has assets in the U.S., Europe
and Japan, where interest rates are
the lowest in history. Each 1% increase
in interest rate will mean adding a
RMB 200 billion debt to People』s Bank.
The Financial Times article believes
RMB will appreciate slowly in the near future,
and the de facto interest rate will remain negative.

NTD Reporters Zeng Yaoxian and Li Yue




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