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李莊握秘密翻案證據 重慶法院簽收






李莊:「 前景應該是沒有問題的。」




李莊:「 現在我估計龔剛模應該是安全的,因為這個事情影響很大。所以說龔剛模應該是安全的。 」


李莊:「 聽到了有關重慶人員給我反映這個情況。說他們會認真保護龔剛模的。」

山東律師陳光武撰文呼籲,參與製造李莊冤案的人員投案自首,尋求寬大處理。文章直指重慶公安機關的辦案人員 ,包括檢察機關的批捕、公訴人員和一二審法院主審法官,都負有罪責。



方竹筍去年4月21號在微博發表言論說:「 勃起來窩了一坨屎,叫王立軍吃,王立軍把這坨屎端給檢察院吃,檢察院端給法院吃,法院端給李莊律師吃,李莊說,這坨屎太臭了,誰窩的,誰自己吃。」


採訪編輯/秦雪 後制/郭敬


Chongqing Court Receives Li Zhuang's New Evidence

Li Zhuang, a Beijing lawyer who was framed while in prison in the 「crime crackdown」 movement in Chongqing, started to appeal for the injustice after his release. He submitted new evidence to the Chongqing court. On Apr. 16th, the First Intermediate People's Court in Chongqing signed the documents. According to related requirements, the court should make a decision on whether to put the case on record or not. It should then send the feedback within one month.

Mr. Li Zhuang was the defense lawyer hired by Gong Gangmo, a Chongqing businessman. However, Gong then reported Mr. Li Zhuang for abetting him to make perjury. This led to one and a half years imprisonment for Mr. Li Zhuang. Gong was alleged as a gangster in the 「crime crackdown」 movement. Mr. Li Zhuang said the Chongqing authorities had taken special protective measures for Gong.

Gong is the former general manager of 「Silver & Steel Group」 sales company in Chongqing. In June 2009, Gong was arrested for the suspicion of organizing a crime syndicate and intentional homicide. The local procuratorate convicted Mr. Li Zhuang for allegations of police torture, by instigating Gong Gangmo and other witnesses to forge evidence. The question 「Did Gong Gangmo suffers from police torture?」 has become the key point of Li Zhuang perjury case. Li Zhuang told NTD Television that he has some secret evidence in hand to support reversing the verdict.

Li Zhuang: 「The court asked me to submit relevant materials, and I have already submitted the supplementary documents. Now I am waiting for the result from the court—whether they accept it or not. But I also keep some secret evidence and didn't submit to the court. I will submit them once a court session is open.」

After former Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai was removed from office, there was a big change in the political environment in Chongqing. Li Zhuang microblogged that each Chongqing department is well organized in the post-「crime crackdown」 movement. When he visited several departments, he found that the staff looked responsible and hard working. Li Zhuang expressed optimism on redressing his grievances.

Li Zhuang: 「I think there is no problem from the perspective of the case.」

Reporter: 「It means you are very optimistic and your grievances will be redressed, right?」

Li Zhuang: 「Yes, it should be. I am always optimistic. I have never felt pessimistic since they arrested me. I believe that the truth will emerge in the future—as there is only one truth in the world.」

Some indications show the Chongqing authorities are ready for vindicating the Li Zhuang case. Li Zhuang mentioned through his microblog that Chongqing
authorities are taking special protective measures for Gang Gongmo. 「All his meetings, arrangements and conversations are recorded in the file.」

Li Zhuang: 「I think Gong should be safe. This is a big issue with great influence. Therefore, Gong should be safe.」

Reporter: 「You heard the internal message, right?」

Li Zhuang: 「Yes, some related staff mentioned the situation. They said they will protect Gong carefully.」

Chen Guangwu, a Shandong lawyer appealed in an article, some staff participated in the 「Li Zhuang perjury case.」 They should give themselves up to the police.

He mentioned in his article that investigators of Chongqing Public Security, including related prosecutors and main trial judges should take responsibility for this case of injustice.

In addition, Fang Hong, a Chongqing citizen was sentenced,

under the pseudonym Fang Zhusun, to re-education through forced labor for one year, due to his 「lump of faeces」 words. Fang felt uncomfortable about the 「Li Zhuang perjury case」.

Fang Di, his son asked lawyer Yuan Yulai to rescue his father. However, Fang disappeared, and even his family has been missing until now. Yuan is the deputy director of the 「Committee of National Association for Administrative Law Professionals.」 He is also the director of 「Zhejiang Star」 law firm.

Yuan Yulai: 「He said he was coming to sign the contract and Power of Attorney over the phone. After several days, he said someone from Xinzetang Public
Security Bureau would like to talk with him and he thought his father can be released immediately. However, he disappeared after going to the Bureau.」

Fang Zhusun said though a microblog on Apr. 21; 「Bo made faeces and asked Wang Lijun to eat. Wang took the faeces to Procuratorate and the court.

Li Zhuang received the feces in the end and said that the faeces stinks too much--who made who eat?」

After Bo stepped down, many Internet users called for Fang Zhusun to be released.




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