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Authorities Hide a Greater Crisis Than Zhou Kehua

Was Zhou Kehua killed?
—This question is raised by both netizens and professionals.
The Chongqing police have repeatedly stated that,

all online questions regarding Zhou Kehua stem from
misunderstandings and misinformation.
But residents of Chongqing are concerned again,
as their hillsides are closed due to a forest fire.
Commentators point out that a greater crisis may be hidden
behind suspicious behavior.

On August 18, Hu Zhaohui, a Guangzhou lawyer,
posted on his microblog:
"As a lawyer, from the criminal proceedings point of view,

I feel there are questions on regarding Zhou Kehua’s death
and on how he was killed—the deceased may not be Zhou;
is this sort of thing possible?

I integrated a large number of on-site pictures as well as
Internet users』 questions to give an in-depth analysis from five aspects of this case."

Lawyer Hu had served in the military police for 23 years,

had worked under the military law department for many years
and had also experienced the Vietnam War in the early 80’s.
Hu analyses the Zhou Kehua case from five aspects:
First—how was Zhou Kehua actually killed?
Second—is an objective investigation being conducted
on the shooting scene?
Third—are the two policemen who allegedly killed
Zhou Kehua telling the truth?
Four—is the deceased indeed the ruthless criminal, Zhou,
or had they killed a plain clothes policeman by mistake?

Lawyer Hu found that the deceased man was 10cm shorter
than the man before the robbery.
From the proportion of the exhibits scattered around,
theof the deceased was determined to be about 1.5 m.
Yet the official information on Zhou Kehua shows that
he was 1.67 m tall.
Also the right side of the lower jaw of the deceased is
half-an-inch shorter than Zhou Kehua, and shape of the ear is likewise inconsistent.

[Hu Zhaohui, Guangzhou lawyer]:
"I can say for sure that, from a business point of view,
the news broadcast was not reporting on objective facts.

We lawyers talk about evidence—my analysis is based on
the evidence we can see, and I drew an idea of my own.
I can only raise these doubts, but I cannot explain them;
these should be explained by the police."

「Chongqing Internet Police」—the Chongqing Public Security
Bureau’s official microblog responded on Aaugust 19:
The Shapingba District Public Security Bureau is organizing
the police and doing an in-depth search of Zhou Kehua’s former hiding place;
they are asking for public understanding
and public support.
Questions online around Zhou Kehua not really being dead
stem purely from misunderstandings and misinformation.
The ruthless criminal, Zhou Kehua has indeed been killed
and there is no doubt about this.」

Despite numerous attempts by police to still the public,

netizens』 concern increased, as Chongqing officials closed
the Geleshan hillsides due to an alleged forest fire,
prohibiting people and vehicles from entering the mountain.

One netizen Mr. Li says, dispatching a large number of
military and police to close hillsides due to a forest fire has never happened before.

[Mr. Li, Netizen]: "Just look at this published picture—
it’s clear that the officials are lying;
for a forest fire, why do you need to arm yourself
with a machine gun and wear a helmet?
They are searching for Zhou Kehua’s hiding place,
but if he is dead as they say, why do they take their guns up there?
For a real forest fire, you wouldn’t need so many people,
and nor would you need to be so heavily armed."

Shenzhen’s independent writer, Zhu Jianguo, points out that,
the police has repeatedly stated their views,
but they cannot stop public suspicion from surging—
there is a greater crisis than Zhou Kehua hidden behind this.
[Zhu Jianguo, Independent Writer, Shenzhen]:
"The credibility of the police is gone.
This is more dangerous than the existence of
Zhou Kehua or even a million of him.
The ruling system and the law enforcement system
lacks credibility, and the police lacks credibility.
It has all resulted from there being no credibility
of the government and the ruling party.
Zhu Jianguo believes that only democracy and the rule of law
can bring back the overall credibility of the communist party,
but the present authorities have not gone down this path.




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