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Unexpected& Unusual: Obama Meeting with Xi Jinping Announced

On May21, it was officially declared that U.S.

President Barack Obama and China’s President

Xi Jinping will meet in June, in California.

This is deemed an unexpected and unusual meeting,

as Xi took over as state president two months ago.

In contrast, Hu Jintao’s first US trip was three

years after assuming office, whilst Jiang Zemin

was four and a half years after taking office.

Why is Xi Jinping hastily going to visit the US?

What are the issues for Obama and Xi to discuss?

Let’s see the experts』 interpretation of it.

China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry stated that before

Xi’s US trip, Xi will visit Trinidad and Tobago,

Costa Rica, and Mexico, from May31 to June6.

June7-8, Xi will meet with President Obama in California.

The White House announced that Obama and Xi will

debate a wide range of bilateral, regional and global issues.

They will"review progress and challenges in

U.S.-China relations over the past four years.

They will also discuss ways to enhance cooperation, whilst

constructively managing differences in the years ahead.

Wu Fan, Chief editor, US-based China Affairs:

"I think their talks will cover a broad range of issues.

Xi Jinping has held office as the new Chinese

Communist Party(CCP) leader for over half a year.

Firstly, China now faces a plight, in that it is subject

to the influence of the world’s political situation.

Secondly, Chinese netizens have

flooded US online petition systems.

A lot of US factories have also

withdrawn from mainland China.

This is also increased economic hardship in China."

Wu Fan says that between the two countries,

there exist many problems that need to be solved.

Also, the U.S. have involved in other issues.

These include US-China relations, China-Europe

relations, and relations between China and its neighbors.

Wu Fan thinks that China has been beset

with internal and external difficulties.

All these have driven Xi Jinping to seek

solutions, by negotiating with the US.

The Obama-Xi meeting has

sparked intense US media attention.

According to a Los Angeles Times article dated

May21, there are a few possible discussion topics.

The US may pressure the CCP to help persuade

Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear program.

They may also discuss the CCP’s large-scale cyber

attacks on the US government and businesses.

On the same day, the Canadian Global Post reported

issues that are possibilities of being discussed.

These are North Korea, cyber attacks, and

territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Guo Yongfeng, Founder of"Citizen Watchdog":

"These are secret and unexpected talks.

The CCP has been well prepared for it, with a clear aim.

It implements authoritarian diplomacy, mainly by

using dollars, then by personal relationship, and bribery.

But Xi doesn’t know that Obama won’t fall for that."

As scheduled, Obama and Xi will meet at Sunnylands,

the famed Annenberg estate, located in Rancho Mirage.

On May21, a blog was published

on the Brookings Institution website.

It reviewed that in an informal environment, the two can talk

about their domestic challenges and visions for the future.

Zhong Weiguang, Germany-based scholar:

"I think that no matter what approach Xi Jinping

will take, and what he will advocate or promise,

all the results will only be transitory.

The core issue is that Xi’s choice of political

route, and his justification of China’s history."

According to Hong Kong’s Cheng Ming Magazine,

Xi Jinping gave warning at a high-level meeting in March.

Xi said that the CCP will face a

life-or-death battle in2013 and2014.

Zhong Weiguang hopes that Xi will choose

a new direction in the face of China’s history.

That will be good for Xi himself, for China,

and for the future, explains the scholar.




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