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笑暈!歐巴馬演講遇嗆聲 希拉蕊支持者不買帳 切換老爸模式



「Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Hold up. Hey, hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Hey,」 Obama said, before slapping the podium.「Hold up, hold up, hold up. Hold up, hold up, hold up. Listen, listen, listen, listen.

It wasn’t working.

So he tried again, getting stern with the audience.

「Hey, hey, hey, listen up. Everybody, hey, hey, listen up,」 he said.「I told you to be focused and you’re not focused right now. Listen to what I’m saying. Hold up.」

Then Obama went full dad.

「Everybody sit down and be quiet for a second. Everybody sit down and be quiet for a second,」 he scolded.「Now listen up.」





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