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六常委捧薄不見胡 汪洋廣東施軟硬














Six Standing Committee support Bo Except Hu, Wang Yang Dangles a Carrot From a Stick Towards Protesters in Guangdong

As the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China approaches, a power struggle between Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary Wang Yang and
Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai is steaming up. Wang Yang shines with his tactics of dangling a carrot from a stick when handling the public protests in Guangdong, and ultimately has high-level support. Bo played the 『red card』 to obtain support from six Standing Committee, but Hu and Wen. Wang Yang and Bo Xilai represent two different internal high-level powers. How they are affecting the power allocation in the 18th National Congress has become the focus of the outside world.

Wukan Interim Council, voluntarily organized by Wukan villagers during the months-long protest, was once characterized as an illegal organization.

Later, compromises were made under the instructions of Wang Yang, and it was recognized as legitimate. Then, unlikely commentary by People's Daily praised
Wang Yang's decision. Taiwan's Want Daily believed that Wang Yang's Wukan mode
seems to be supported by the CPC Central Committee.

Zhang Weiguo, former director of World Economic Herald in Beijing, said that Wukan incident is an outbreak of the conflicts in the past 20 years of CCP ruling. If the CCP continued to suppress, it will be a bloodying fight
leading to destruction altogether.

Zhang Weiguo:" Wang Yang is introducing a new model, the old one will not solve the problem, and has come to an end. Patterns such as the June 4th Tiananmen crackdown, or Hu Jintao's method to regard 『maintaining stability』 as the priority, are unsustainable, cannot be allowed to continue; If they continue like that it will completely collapse. That is the Communist Party will collapse completely.

After Wang Yang's Wukan mode, he was widely concerned about the blame afterwards. Zhang Weiguo also considers Wang Yang's Wukan mode a means of repression due to incident. Recent protests in Shantou Haimen town has met with tough response from the authority, and the repression has escalated.
Recently, the Guangdong audience is experiencing sudden increase in the number of shields when watching news in Hong Kong TV channel. People complain Wang Yang is depriving people's rights to know and prohibiting freedom of the press.

Zhang Weiguo: "Because the Communist Party has become a vested interest group, many people's interests are tied together; If you change a model, then, is tantamount to re-adjust the vested interests. For example, the current protest in Shantou cannot be solved by detaining a few corrupt officials. That large enterprise is Li Peng's family business.

Li Peng's daughter can not be detained; Wang Yang can not touch that. A situation such as this would be put to the test; it is subject to restriction by a lot of vested interest groups.

When Wang Yang was caught in the controversial incident in Wukan, Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai talked about democracy and the rule of law. He publicized the 「Red Tone」 in high profile, and he claimed to receive full recognition from six CPC Standing Committee, including Wu Bangguo, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, He Guoqiang, and Zhou Yongkang.

However, Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and Li Keqiang, the three Standing Committee,
originated from the Communist Youth League, did not seem to declare their position.

Hong Kong's "Ming Pao Daily News" quoted political professor at Renmin University of China Zhang Ming's words, 「The 『Red Tone』 is now the tide, Bo needs to defend himself."

Wu Fan: "Bo Xilai is walking a path, in fact, in a sense very similar to what the recently deceased Kim Jong Il did, to make people follow him by brainwashing with the so-called red flags, ah, the red flag in Tiananmen.
The people are hungry. When there is no food, who cares about a black flag, white flag, or red flag?"

Wu Fan believes that Wang Yang and Bo Xilai are the main representatives of the high-level Chinese power struggle. There may be some kind of compromise within the Communist Party as 18th National Congress concludes, but the gesture of unity will still show on the table, as a way the ruling party gets over the current deepening crisis. Wu Fan said, it is unknown how long this extended life
is going to last, because people are fundamentally opposed to dictatorship,
as being brought up by the Cantonese now.

NTD reporters: Chang Chun, Xu Min and Ge Lei

責任編輯: 王和  來源:新唐人電視 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
