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習李布局? 政法委高層現罕見格局















Is this Xi-Li’s Arrangement? The Leadership of Politics and Law Commission Changed Into An Unusual Layout.

On April23, the official website of the Central Politics and Law Commission(PLC) announced that Wang Yongqing is taking the position of Secretary-General

and member of the PLC, as well as that of Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council.

This announcement confirms the new leadership of the PLC as finally settled.

This is the first time that the Secretary-General of the PLC takes the position of Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council.

What message has this arrangement given out?

Let’s listen to the commentators!

It is understood that the previous Secretary-Generals of the PLC didn’t take any position in the State Council.

The former Secretary-General Zhou Benshun is an example.

Now, Zhou Benshun has been appointed Secretary,

member of Standing Committee and member of the Chinese Communist Party’s(CCP) Hebei Provincial Committee.

And left the position of the Secretary-General as well as member of the PLC.

Xing Tianxing, an independent commentator pointed out that this arrangement has broken up the former independent public security, political and law system.

The political and law system may report to the State Council directly.

Xing Tianxing, an independent commentator:「I think from the view of the China State Council,

it strengthens control on the political and law system.

But for the future, although there are some changes,

I don’t think it can solve the serious issues

of China’s Politics and Law system.We can only say that a trend of change has appeared in the distribution of power, and we must watch to see what it will develop in future.」

Lan Shu, a political commentator, pointed out that the reason why the Secretary-General of the PLC is to be the Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council is

the CCP new leadership’s policy, especially since Li Keqiang, the Prime Minister, wants to control the operation of the political and law system much more closely.

Lan Shu, a political commentator:「From current situation,

and appearances, the whole interior of the politics and law system isn’t

controlled by Xi-Li.

So, it’s very possible that the Xi-Li administration wants to strengthen control of the whole politics and law system.」

Xing Tianxing thinks that the reason why outsiders are

focusing on this change.

It is because it shows that there are significant changes

taking place in the distribution of power.

Xing Tianxing:"The newly appointed Secretary-General Wang Yongqing isn’t the direct descendant of Zhou Yongkang.

For his background, he worked in legal department of the State Council and understands some legal things.

But it’s clear that he has less connection with the complicated relationship nets within the PLC.

From this point of view, he doesn’t have deep relations with the Politics and Law system.」

Outsiders have noticed that a lot of members of Jiang Zemin’s faction were moved from core departments of the public security, prosecution and legal

systems after Xi Jinping took the highest power of the CCP.

For example, the Hong Kong Takunpao reported in the of January that Wu Yongwen, the former secretary of Hubei Provincial PLC, the former leader of

Hubei Provincial Public Security Bureau, and a descendant of Zhou Yongkang, was investigated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In addition, Meng Jiangzhu, a member of the Political Bureau has succeeded the last Secretary of the Central Politics and Law Commission, which also broke the CCP stranglehold.

Lan Shu:「Although after the4th general,5th general of CCP leadership, the level of PLC, was agreed; although the head Secretary of the PLC has declined and wasn’t a member of the Party Committee at all levels,

the system under the PLC is something that the CCP has to pay attention to.」

The「re-education through labor」 system was treated as the core of the PLC, which is also one of the Commission’s tools for making money.

Although Jiang Zemin’s group tired to cover by black screens its crimes in the labor camps, with the progress of the「Wang Bo case」,

the black screens have been uncovered one by one, the waves of criticism inside and outside of China of the labor camp system are surging one by one.

And are striking the CCP authority directly.

The new CCP leadership is facing huge pressure from all angles and is in crisis.

On April7, the CCP Central PLC published the adjustments of the new leadership.

The new people’s leadership was set up, and on the same evening, the exclusive investigation「Walking out of Masanjia」

which has more than20,000 words was published by every one of China’s major websites.

Although the investigation was deleted quite quickly, the extensive abuse that took place in the labor camp that was reported has shocked society.

It has caused huge repercussions.

There’s some analyst thought that the two things that happened on April7 show out an important information about the reform of the labor camp system.

責任編輯: 吳量  來源:新唐人 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
