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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and Wei Jingsheng Foundation's Letter

Calling for Removing Mao ZeDong's Picture from TianAnMen Square


Dear Friends:


As you know, the 1936 Olympic Games were hosted by the Nazi Party in Germany. Being awarded the Olympics encouraged the Nazis, and no one did anything to stop them from holding the games. They then went on to kill 20 Million innocent people.


Do you know who will be hosting the 2008 Olympics?


It will be hosted by Mao Zedong's party, the Chinese Communist Party, the same party that killed over 80 million innocent people.


Mao Zedong's picture today still hangs on the Gate of Eternal Peace at Tiananmen Square.


In the name of the Olympic Games, and in order for the conscience of humankind to know peace, we ask you to please write the IOC and demand that the Chinese Government keep the promises it made in order to obtain the 2008 Olympic Games.


Those promises included improving human rights conditions in China, releasing political prisoners, and allowing free speech.


And further we ask that for 17 days in August 2008, the picture of Mao Zedong be taken down off the Gate of Eternal Peace and replaced with the Olympic emblem of the five rings.


Please write to Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee. He is obliged to press the Chinese Government to honor the promises they made when applying for the 2008 games, and encourage them to show good will by taking this photo of Mao Zedong down.



Wei Jingsheng

Wei Jingsheng Foundation

Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition


IOC contact information:

Mr. Jacques Rogge

President International Olympic Committee

Chateau De Vidy

Case Postale 356

1007 Lausanne, Switzerland

Fax- +41 21 621 6216

[email protected]



















Mr. Jacques Rogge

President International Olympic Committee

Chateau De Vidy

Case Postale 356

1007 Lausanne, Switzerland

Fax- +41 21 621 6216

[email protected]


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