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紐約市上空 直升機追逐UFO


Published onDec13,2013

Ufo chased by Helicopter Sighting tape surfaces when it was sent into LookNowTV this week. The person who recorded this video said it was recorded sometime in, October2013. This is the first time it has been seen anywhere in the world, and we are happy to present another exclusive video to you first. In this Ufo video you can see what looks like a helicopter following the Ufo. The Ufo increases speed as it flies behind some buildings, and the Ufo can be seen at the end of the tape for a brief moment flying over the buildings. The helicopter appears to be flying after the Ufo because the helicopter maintains the same flight path as the Ufo. Thank you to Mark for sending us this tape. As always, you decide. Thank you for watching!


責任編輯: 鄭浩中   轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
