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Reckoning the Chinese Communist Party’s100-Year Anti-human Crimes

——Statement by Christian Alliance for Righteousness

The Chinese Communist Party(CCP) is the devil. The first sentence of the「Manifesto of the Communist Party」 published in1848 states that「a ghost, the specter of communism, wanders in Europe」, which openly confesses the essence of the Communist Party-the evil spirit. This specter did not find ground in Europe. So it wandered to China through the Communist Party of the Soviet Union(CPSU) and rooted in China since1921. It has been100 years till now, during which this devil committed crimes against humanity never seen in the history before, claiming hundreds of millions of innocent lives.

From the beginning of the「August1」 Nanchang Riot in1927 to1949, under the direction and funding of the CPSU, the CCP used terrorist means to burn, kill, and loot. Tens of millions of civilians were killed directly or indirectly by the CCP’s riots. It took advantage of the invasion of foreign enemies to overthrow the legitimate Republic of China through lies and violence, and killed millions of patriotic soldiers who survived the bloody battle with the foreign enemies.

After the CCP stole the country, it launched a series of anti-human political campaigns and caused the Great Famine. From the Land Reform and Cracking Down the Anti-Revolutionists to the Cultural Revolution, about100 million people were either killed, forced laboring to death, criticized and beaten to death, or starved to death. It robbed, killed and eliminated the landlords elite class in the countryside; it destroyed the basic national capital for urban development, robbed all industrial and commercial enterprises, and turned industrial groups into slave labor; it used the most brutal means to destroy the final conscience of the intellectual class; it used the domicile registration policy to discriminate against the peasants who make up the majority of the population and put them at the bottom of the society.

The CCP also brutally suppresses religious groups such as Christians, Falun Gong practitioners, political dissidents, human rights lawyers, and other conscientious groups. Among the typical incidents are June4 bloody massacres, suppression of Hong Kong people, suppression of Tibetans, Uyghurs with genocide; demolitions of houses, looting of farmers』 land, arrest and persecution of petitioners, live organ harvesting, and even general murder in hospitals……The bestial one-child policy has resulted in the silent murder of about500 million fetuses in their mothers』 wombs. The CCP has also been insane creating viral biological and chemical weapons to harm all mankind! In less than two years, nearly four million people died of the CCP virus worldwide. Recently, Xi Jinping initiated the political reversal. His dictatorship has even surpassed the Mao Zedong era, turning China into a complete slavery society in the21st century. The people’s freedom of speech and all other human rights are completely deprived. Their lives and properties are without any protection, but only under the CCP’s and slaughter and robbery. Hundreds of millions of the Chinese cannot afford to be sick, to buy a house, and even to die! The CCP has turned the entire country into a hell on earth where the moral conscience is depleted and the rules of jungle prevails. Water, air, and soil, the most basic elements of human living have been all irreversible polluted; even food, medicines, vaccines, and infant formula, which are vital to life, are fake and mixed with poisonous chemicals.

The above-mentioned heinous crimes committed by the CCP in its hundred years of history constitute the facts of crimes against humanity defined in the Bill of Rights by the United Nations, such as「Universal Declaration of Human Rights」,「International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights」,「International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights」,「Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide」,「United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners」, and「International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance」. The CCP’s century crimes against humanity must be reckoned. The facts in this one hundred-year have proved that the CCP is the most terrifying and evil agent of Satan in the history of human society, and its crimes against humanity are endless. The existence of the CCP is a shame to mankind which also poses the greatest harm to human civilization! The CCP must be completely eradicated!

責任編輯: 趙亮軒  來源:基督徒公義聯盟 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
