美國加州華裔大城蒙特利公園市(Monterey Park)槍擊案罹難者總計11位,6名死者身份確定為中老年人,其中65歲的舞廳老闆馬名偉(Ming Wei Ma,音譯)因挺身相救,犧牲自己阻止兇嫌繼續掃射,最後不幸命喪槍下。
據當地電視台KTTV指出,72歲的華裔槍手陳有瑾(Huu Can Tran,音譯)趁著除夕夜,街道萬頭攢動,闖入第一間舞蹈工作室「舞星」(Star Dance Studio)大開殺戒,釀成11死多傷。第一位被確認身份的死者就是舞星老闆馬名偉,目擊者形容「他絕對是這次槍擊案中的英雄」,本身還是舞蹈老師的他,當下想都沒想沖向槍手,阻止傷亡擴大。事後遺憾稱:「馬老師非常受人尊敬和愛戴、善良有愛心,每一位學員都非常想念他。」
《每日郵報》(Daily Mail Online)報導,舞星一名指導教練伍茲(Lauren Woods)心痛說道:「他(馬名偉)非常受歡迎,跟每位學員、老師和合作夥伴關係密切,可以說是教室的核心人物,我會很想念他…」
This thread will be dedicated to the victimsof the mass shooting in Monterey Park.
— Natasha (@ndelriego) January 23, 2023
Ming Wei Ma was a dance instructor & owner of the Star DanceStudio. He was described as a caring person with a selfless nature.He was the first to rush towards the shooter to try & save others.pic.twitter.com/N4m7av6R2c
Ming Wei Ma, aka 「Mr. Ma」, was one of thevictims in the Monterey Park mass shooting. He is a HERO who diedtrying to stop the gunman and protecting his students. He is afather, a teacher and a community leader who brought peopletogether with his love for dancing. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/fYNIBE5Khn
— Councilmember Sasha Renée Pérez (@SashaReneePerez) January 24, 2023