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共軍十一閱兵 美女民兵引發外國觀眾熱議

"Assault rifle" is the closest Chinese translation of "Rockette." ("衝鋒鎗"最接近的中文詞義叫"洛克茨女郎")
- Jesse

I went to cheer camp for this? (我為這(表演)去啦啦隊?)
- Roy

Oooops out of step, Is this a death offense? (不合時宜,是不是死罪?)
- D.M.

"Legally Blonde" dolls - Made in N. Korea("律政俏佳人"布娃娃--朝鮮製造)
- Premal

"Someday these boots are gonna walk all over you" has arrived. I surrender!("總有一天這些靴子會踩過來"已經來了,我投降!)
----Marshall Meade

All those who "entertained" Bill Clinton on his last trip to Asia, take one step forward. (這些女子是用來取悅上次訪問亞洲的柯林頓的嗎?)
- Gary Webb

Fall fashion preview in the North Korean Women's Wear Daily. (朝鮮時裝日報的秋裝預展)
- maureen

The militant arm of the Salvation Army. (救世軍的激進軍人)
- Lionardo Romanelli

China buys The Rockettes (中國買來的洛克茨女郎)
- Richard Breyer

You tick off these Flight Attendants, and your gonna get more then just nuts! (你勾搭這些空姐,得到的不只是一些果仁)
- E. Polito

North Korea's answer to the sudden popularity of line dancing (朝鮮對流行舞的回應)
- Shady

Beijing fashion week begins! (北京時裝周開幕)
- Kirk Smith

Women's march against genetic diversity (女子正步走對抗基因多樣化)
- John Chapin

All together now: (歸納)
"I don't know, but I've been told, (我不知道,但被告知)
"Kim Jong Il is big and bold." (金正日大又禿)
"Big and bold. Big and bold" (大又禿,大又禿)
"He can make it hot when a war goes cold." (他可以將冷戰變熱浪)
- J Eaton

"And here they come! The North Korean figure skating team makes a dramatic entrance into the Rio Stadium for the 2012 Olympic Games!" (她們來了!朝鮮的花式溜冰將戲劇性地進入2012年的里約熱內盧奧運比賽。註:2012年應該是倫敦奧運)
- J Eaton

"Well, OUR Second Amendment gives us the right to bare legs!" (我們的第二修正案給我們裸腿的權利)
- InterFedCo

A funeral march for the running dog Ma?? (走狗喪禮遊行)
- William O'Reilly

These guns are made for cocking. (為鬥雞而製造的槍)
- Dave

The North Koreans launch a goodwill tour with a trip to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. The participants' reaction: "No missles? What kind of a flimsy parade is this?" (朝鮮發起對"梅西大遊行"的親善遊行。他們的反應是"沒有飛彈?這是什麼輕量級的遊行?"
- J Eaton




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