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加專家:中共國隨時崩潰 崩潰前的蘇聯和今日中國


為配合胡錦濤19日訪美,中共政府1月17號開始,在美國電視頻道和紐約時代廣場電子屏幕上高頻率播放「中國國家形象片 -人物篇」宣傳片。那麼,西方人到底怎麼看待當前的中國?怎麼看待中國的經濟「繁榮」呢?加拿大《全國郵報》1月22日刊登著名國際環保組織探索國際(Probe International)創始人勞倫斯•;;所羅門Lawrence Solomon)的評論《中國即將崩潰》(China's coming fall)指出:像前蘇聯一樣,在很大的程度上,中國的所謂繁榮是虛幻的,隨時可能崩潰。



1975 年,當所羅門為期兩個月的蘇聯之行來到西伯利亞時,蘇聯的崛起是個虛幻的想法成為不言而喻的事實。當時在蘇聯的各大城市中,城裡看上去很現代,可以與北美的城市相媲美。但是,從鬧市中心步行20分鐘就揭示了另一個世界--人們拿著水桶在街角的公用水泵接水。蘇聯可以把一個男人送入太空,還有很多其它的成就令世界眼花繚亂,但它卻不能滿足本國公民的基本生活需求。





怎麼會有這麼多人一下子變得如此富有?絕大多數是通過腐敗。二十年前,共產黨決定打出「致富光榮」的旗號,給非法資本主義開綠燈。中共統治者開始打著私有化的幌子,將國家資源據為己有,或讓自己的家屬占有,並通過出售許可證和其它經濟利益給自己的親信來換取賄賂。制度性的腐敗公眾已經司空見慣,現在更趨普遍 - 甚至政府很小的官員現在也能夠堂而皇之的充實自己的腰包。

這種腐敗的風氣在中國的一首流行歌曲中可見一斑,這首歌的名字叫做「 我要嫁給一個官」(I want to marry a government official),歌詞解釋了為什麼官員是個好的結婚對像:「他有權力、汽車和房子;工作時,他只需要喝喝茶,看看報紙;他從不需要自己花錢買香菸和酒;他每天都可以享用免費的食物;他只要拍拍他領導的馬屁就可升官。」









什麼有可能成為導火線?有可能是高失業率,無法控制的通貨膨脹或房地產泡沫破裂。它也可能是另一次自然災害(如2008年汶川大地震)催生了民眾的憤怒,迅速通過政府難以控制的手機和網際網路組織起來。也有可能是一個人為的災難--許多人擔心的 「豆腐垻」可能會失敗,導致下游數十萬人受災。

無論什麼樣的導火線,這只是個時間問題。中共政府顯示出其對放鬆權力控制沒有興趣-- 如果是這樣,權力在握的官員可能面臨報應。


【作者簡介】勞倫斯所羅門是能源探索(Energy Probe)的執行董事及其姊妹組織探索國際(Probe International)的創始人。



Lawrence Solomon: China’s coming fall

Lawrence Solomon  ;January 22, 2011 – 12:27 am

Like the Soviet Union before it, much of China’s supposed boom is illusory — and just as likely to come crashing down

In 1975, while I was in Siberia on a two-month trip through the U.S.S.R., the illusion of the Soviet Union’s rise became self-evident. In the major cities, the downtowns seemed modern, comparable to what you might see in a North American city. But a 20-minute walk from the centre of downtown revealed another world — people filling water buckets at communal pumps at street corners. The U.S.S.R. could put a man in space and dazzle the world with scores of other accomplishments yet it could not satisfy the basic needs of its citizens. That economic system, though it would largely fool the West until its final collapse 15 years later, was bankrupt, and obviously so to anyone who saw the contradictions in Soviet society.

The Chinese economy today parallels that of the latter-day Soviet Union — immense accomplishments co-existing with immense failures. In some ways, China’s stability today is more precarious than was the Soviet Union’s before its fall. China’s poor are poorer than the Soviet Union’s poor, and they are much more numerous — about one billion in a country of 1.3 billion. Moreover, in the Soviet Union there was no sizeable class — just about everyone was poor and shared in the same hardships, avoiding resentments that might otherwise have arisen.

In China, the resentments are palpable. Many of the 300 million people who have risen out of poverty flaunt their new wealth, often egregiously so. This is especially so with the new class of rich, all but non-existent just a few years ago, which now includes some 500,000 millionaires and 200 billionaires. Worse, the gap between rich and poor has been increasing. Ominously, the bottom billion views as illegitimate the wealth of the top 300 million.

How did so many become so rich so quickly? For the most part, through corruption. Twenty years ago, the Communist Party decided that 「getting rich is glorious,」 giving the green light to lawless capitalism. The rulers in China started by awarding themselves and their families the lion’s share of the state’s resources in the guise of privatization, and by selling licences and other access to the economy to cronies in exchange for bribes. The system of corruption, and the public acceptance of corruption, is now pervasive — even minor officials in government backwaters are now able to enrich themselves handsomely.

This ethos of corruption is captured in a popular song in China, I want to marry a government official, whose lyrics explain why an official makes for a good matrimonial catch: 「He has power, a car and house; He only needs to drink tea and read the newspaper during work; He never spends his own money on cigarettes and alcohol; He can get free food every day; He can get promoted by only kissing his boss’s ass.」

If the corruption were limited to awarding contracts to friends and giving mines, power plants, and other public assets to relatives, the upset among the poor, who would realize some trickle-down benefits, would be constrained. In fact, the corruption deprives the poor of their homes, livelihoods, health and lives.

Take golf courses, a status symbol among China’s new rich. To obtain the immense tracts of land needed near urban markets, developers have been cooking up deals with local officials that see land expropriated and typically tens of thousands of residents and businesses evicted per golf course, generally with unfair compensation. Although the construction of new golf courses is officially banned, thousands more are expected to be built in the next few years.

Golf courses aside, countless other real estate developments abetted by officialdom likewise wipe out entire communities. Then there are resource projects such as hydro dams that can displace numerous people and businesses — the Three Gorges Dam alone displaced several million people.

The corruption extends to the enforcement of regulatory standards for health and safety, which few in China trust. In recent years China has endured a tainted milk scandal and a tainted blood scandal, each of which implicated corrupt officials in widespread death and debilitation. In a devastating 2008 earthquake, some 90,000 perished, one-third of them children buried alive in 7,000 shoddily built 「tofu schools」 that skimped on materials. Nearby buildings for the elites that met building standards, including a school for the children of the rich, were largely unscathed.

The government tries to tamp down the outrage over the abuses inflicted on the public by banning demonstrations and censoring the Internet. But it is failing. Year by year, the number of demonstrations increases. Last year alone saw 100,000 such protests across the county, directly involving tens and indirectly perhaps hundreds of millions of protesters.

China is a powder keg that could explode at any moment. And if it does explode, chaos could ensue — as the Chinese are only too well aware, the country has a brutal history of carnage at the hands of unruly mobs. For this reason, corrupt officials inside China, likely by the tens of thousands, have made contingency plans, obtaining foreign passports, buying second homes abroad, establishing their families and businesses abroad, or otherwise planning their escapes. Also for this reason, much of the class supports the government’s increasingly repressive efforts.

What might set off that spark? It could be high unemployment, should China be unable to control inflation or the housing bubble that now looms. It could be another natural disaster such as the 2008 earthquake which spawned outrage — rapidly organized via cellphones and the Internet — that the government had difficulty containing. It could be a manmade disaster — many fear that a 「tofu dam」 might fail, leading to hundreds of thousands of downstream victims.

Whatever might set off that spark, it is only a matter of time. The government shows no interest in relaxing its grip on power — if it did so, the officials in power might face retribution.

Meanwhile, we in the West see a China that by all measures is becoming stronger and stronger, not realizing that it is also becoming more and more brittle. The Soviet regime, when it fell, went out with a whimper. China’s will more likely go out with a bang. No regime can contain the grievances of a billion people for long.

Financial Post

Lawrence Solomon is executive director of Energy Probe and a founder of its sister organization, Probe International.





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