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富可敵國抵制反腐 賈慶林呼之欲出


香港蘋果日報》報導,最近一名從美國《彭博通訊社》離職的資深編輯理查森(Ben Richardson)爆料,賈慶林家族在中國首富王健林的「萬達集團」內掌握股份。

報導指出,去年《彭博》主編溫以樂(Matthew Winkler),因擔心業務受到影響,扣下了這篇關於王健林與中共高層官員財務往來的調查報導,並命令參與報導的四名駐港記者,不能透露內容。













More Resistance Against Xi Jinping's Anti-corruption Campaign;


Jia Qinglin Involved

Chinese Communist Party(CCP) leader Xi Jinping recently put

a stop to a private club called Maotai Party, belonging to

former Politburo Standing Committee member Jia Qinglin.

Despite this, the club is still running in secret.

However, it is revealed that a famous global media denied

publication of a report revealing Jia Qinglin is the real boss

of Wanda Group behind the scenes.

Commentators say, Xi Jinping's"Tiger Hunting" campaign

directly threatened those extremely wealthy party bigwigs,

who had united in opposition to Xi's anti-corruption plan.

Hong Kong-based Apple Daily recently quoted Ben

Richardson, a former senior editor of Bloomberg.

Richardson revealed that Jia Qinglin's family is a stockholder

of Dalian Wanda Group, which is led by China's wealthiest

individual Wang Jianlin.

Iin2013 Bloomberg's Editor-in-Chief Matthew Winkler held

back the report that investigated the financial links between

Wang Jianlin and other CCP high level–officials.

He worried that the report might negatively impact

Bloomberg's businesses.

Winkler even ordered four Bloomberg journalists in

Hong Kong, not to leak any contents of that report.

Richardson and other two reporters had worked for over

a year to complete that investigation report.

They later left Bloomberg because the story was denied.

Tang Baiqiao, President of New York Democracy University:"

Now the whole world is in a dilemma, or embarrassment

when reporting anything about the CCP.

On one hand, they feel that the party's evilness should be

exposed as much as possible for benefits of all mankind.

On the other hand, they have to handle conflicts of interest

if they do that.

If they do too much, the CCP's vested interest groups

will fight desperately against them.

In1999, the world-shocking Xiamen Yuanhua

Smuggling Case broke out.

At that time Jia Qinglin was the party secretary of

Fujian province, and his wife Lin Youfang was the

party secretary of Fujian Foreign Trade Corporation.

Although nearly the whole political circle of Fujian had been

involved in the smuggling case, Jia Qinglin escaped punishment

as the major backstage supporter of Yuanhua Group and its

founder Lai Changxing.

Some commentators believe that, Jia Qinglin had been

protected by Jiang Zemin as Jia was dead set on following

Jiang in persecuting Falun Gong.

This January, Xi Jinping lost his temper at the Third Session

of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Xi angrily questioned"Why will corruption in eating and

drinking never be stopped?";

"Are there backstage supporters of those corruptions?"

Xi Jinping directly mentioned private clubs in Beiing's Beihai

Park and Hangzhou's West Lake resort area.

However, a secret investigation by Hong Kong media found

that Jia Qinglin's club Maotai Party located at Beijing's

Changpuhe Park, were still running secretly despite seemingly

stopping its service.

When Jia was Beijing's municipal party secretary, his wife

and son-in-law were active in real estate investment and

house demolition projects.

They were involved in the demolition of historical places

at Guang'an Street, which were replaced by"International

Media Boulevard".

However, other than Guangming Daily, no other media

showed any interest in moving into the boulevard.

Zhao Yuanming, Senior Legal Expert:"Deng Xiaoping said

'Let some people get rich first' when presenting his idea

of economic reform.

But the truth is, the group"that gets rich first" are all

party officials and their children.

Previously the party still tried to conceal it.

Currently they don't care about that anymore and are openly

putting state-owned assets into their own pockets."

On February2, the Xinhua News Agency officialy reported

that30 luxury clubs at the West Lake Resort Area were

shut down for rectification.

Jiangnan Club is also on the list, which was founded

by Alibaba Group's founder Ma Yun.

Early this April, Ma Yun registered a"small" new company.

Despite his retirement, he still managed to borrow a large

amount of money from Alibaba.

Just in a week, his"small" company spent nearly ten billion

Yuan($1.6 billion) to buy into a Chinese financial software

provider Hundsun Technologies Group, and a state-owned

company WASU Media.

On April18, Chinese financial media reported that Alibaba

created disorder in Chinese capital market with its financial

product named Yu'ebao in2013.

Ma Yun then shocked the market again by purchasing

Changjiang Securities, a medium-sized security dealer.

On the same day, all trades on Changjiang Securities

were put into an urgent stop.

According to Reuters, Boyu Capital Advisory, founded by

Jiang Zemin's28-year-old grandson Jiang Zhicheng, would not

have become a top financial company without Ma Yun's help.

Similarly, Alibaba would not have become China's top

E-Commerce provider without buying back50% of

its stakes from yahoo.

Three state-owned financial offices helped Ma Yun

at the time, when Jiang Zemin was still the CCP leader.

Zhao Yuanming, a Chinese senior legal expert, commented

that the CCP had turned all private assets into state-owned

ones after it took power.

Now party officials are playing tricks to do the opposite,

turning state-owned assets into their private ones.

They have become extremely wealthy and so have the ability

to challenge Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign.

Interview& Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu




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