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1. The live animal markets of Guangdong province are notorious for the huge array of reptiles, insects, fish and many other creatures destined for the soup pot, dinner plate and traditional medicine cabinet. Luo Xinmei and her NGO, the Asian Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, are trying to save wild animals by changing Chinese tastes. Photograph: John Hooper

廣東省的活體動物市場可謂臭名遠揚,因為大堆小量的飛禽走獸、山珍海味經過這裡而成了人們杯中餐、盤中菜和中藥材。羅新梅(音)和她的非政府組織(NGO),亞洲龜康復中心(the Asian Turtle Rehabilitation Centre),正在試圖通過改變中國人的飲食習慣拯救野生動物。

2. A sliver of slither to get the saliva going? A handful of snakes is held at arm's length by a market trader in Guangzhou China. Photograph: John Hooper


3. A bowl of live water beetles. The water beetle, also known as the 'predacious diving beetle', is often fried with garlic and ginger and sold as a side dish. They can also be steamed and served on watercress with a plum sauce. Photograph: Sinopix Photo Agency Ltd / Rex F/Rex Features


4. A kitten claws at the bars of its cage at Qingping market. Photograph: Joe Tan/Reuters


5. Scorpions climb on top of each other like crabs in a bucket at the seaside. Many will end up in soup, prepared as in this recipe from the World Museum, Liverpool. Photograph: John Hooper

利物浦世界博物館(the World Museum)的食譜精製而成。

6. Turtle soup is enjoyed not just in China but in many cultures, including the southern US. Photograph: John Hooper


7. Turtles destined for the soup pot. Photograph: John Hooper


8. The Asian Turtle Rehabilitation Centre is part of a growing and increasingly important band of young Chinese trying to help endangered species by changing consumer attitudes. Photograph: John Hooper


9. Fish at the Taipinp animal market in Guangdong. Photograph: John Hooper


10. Civets are used around the world not only for their meat but for a musk used to stabilise perfume - which animal rights groups object to - and to produce kopi luwak, also known as civet coffee. The creatures eat coffee berries which pass through them undigested; it is said that the process adds to the coffee's flavour, and the beans fetch a high price. Photograph: Paul Hilton/EPA

世界各地的人不只吃麝貓(或靈貓)的肉,還取它的麝香用來穩定香水——這是動物權益組織所反對的,並且用來生產貓屎咖啡(kopi luwak),也稱麝貓咖啡。咖啡漿果被這種動物吃下後,經過它們的消化道但並未被完全消化。據說這個過程能給咖啡增添特別的風味,這種咖啡豆價格昂貴。

11. Kittens by the bag. Money changes hands for a bag of live cats destined for the table. Photograph: Richard Jones/Rex Features


12. Baby rabbits are properly called rabbit kittens. Rabbit meat is low in fat, high in protein and does not have the cholesterol level of chicken, beef or pork. Rabbit can still be found in UK butchers, but less so in supermarkets. Photograph: Sinopix/Rex Features


13. Juxtaposition. Cats are kept in a chickenwire cage above a chicken that is less likely to try to scratch or otherwise hurt its handler. Photograph: Reuters


14. Field rats are kept inside a cage before being slaughtered and cooked at a wild game restaurant in Guangzhou, China. Photograph: China Photo/Reuters


15. Dogs are transported in cages to Guangzhou market. Photograph: Nordahl Aleksander/Rex Features


16. A turtle for sale at a market in China. Photograph: John Hooper


責任編輯: 劉詩雨  來源:英國衛報 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
