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WTA主席再發聲明 關注彭帥是否自由





「I am glad to see the videos released by China state-run media that appear to show Peng Shuai at a restaurant in Beijing. While it is positive to see her, it remains unclear if she is free and able to make decisions and take actions on her own, without coercion or external interference. This video alone is insufficient. As I have stated from the beginning, I remain concerned about Peng Shuai’s health and safety and that the allegation of sexual assault is being censored and swept under the rug. I have been clear about what needs to happen and our relationship with China is at a crossroads.」


國際奧委會(IOC)亦表示,彭帥與國際奧委會主席巴赫(Thomas Bach)進行了30分鐘視像通話,而國際奧委會運動員委員會主席特霍(Emma Terho)及聲稱認識彭帥多年的中國委員李玲蔚,亦有參加此次通話。彭帥於通話中表示,她平安無事,IOC則指彭帥現身處北京的家中,安全且身體健康,希望各界能尊重她的隱私。

責任編輯: 時方  來源:自由亞洲 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
