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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A430-W237

Release Date: December 13, 2008

Topic: WEI Jingsheng Attends a Conference by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Group of the European Parliament and Gives Speech on the Economic Crisis

Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)

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WEI Jingsheng Attends a Conference by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Group of the European Parliament and Gives Speech on the Economic Crisis

From December 11 to 13, 2008, both WEI Jingsheng and HUANG Ciping were invited to attend meetings in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. During the period, both Wei and Huang also met with various people of different ranks from dozens of countries. They were also invited to a lunch at the members' diner that was hosted by the European Parliament members Marco Cappato and Marco Pannella of the Transnational Radical Party.

On December 12, 2008, Wei Jingsheng delivered his speech at "Satyagraha for Secularism and Rule of the Law", a conference by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) group of the European Parliament. More than 100 attended the conference. In his speech, Wei Jingsheng pointed out that the current economic crisis has its roots in China, especially due to the trade deficit. The following is excerpted from his speech.

"In the current world, everyone is talking about the economic crisis, so when we talk about human rights, people think we are not in coordination with them. In reality, these topics are closely tied. From the day I arrived in the USA a decade ago, I tried to point out that human rights in China, especially the Chinese workers' rights issue, is closely tied to the interest of the whole world. Unfortunately, while people such as those in the AFL-CIO agreed with me, they did nothing. Now, as this huge economic crisis is going on, many people have realized that this crisis has its root of the accumulated trade deficit with China year after another year. This deficit empties Western economy.

Several years ago, scholars and economists questioned as why there was this problem under "free trade". Unfortunately, that is because they were under the wrong assumption of the word "free". The relationship between the West and China was never "fair trade", under this word "free". What the West gave China is a normal open market, yet what the Chinese Communist government offered back was an abnormal and deformed market. Chinese workers have no rights to guarantee their reasonable pay. So their wages were pushed to the very minimum. Thus the West investment flew into China, while cheap goods from China flew back to the West. This kind of trade is unbalanced. This trade is unfair. This trade is exactly lacking in human rights.

Recently, I have been in Washington, in Paris, in Berlin, and we have all talked about this problem. If we do not solve this trade deficit, I am afraid that the West cannot get over this obstacle of economic crisis. Americans want to solve their economic crisis by taking so many billions dollars to save their banks, but that is not a fundamental way to solve this economic crisis. It is really taking the money out of their right pocket and putting it into their left pocket. To solve this problem in a long term, you must solve the trade imbalance problem. How to make the balance then? The trade protectionism could only achieve a short-term goal.

To solve this problem in a long term, you must expand the Chinese market. Everyone complains that the Chinese market is too small for them. How about working to increase the market? You must increase the wages for the Chinese workers so they are able to afford to buy. Half of the trade imbalance is with China, which has a lot to do with the Chinese market. Chinese workers' wages are forced so low, so the consumers market in China is expanding only very slowly.

Where does the money go from this huge trade deficit? It went to the pockets of the big business and corrupted officials of the Chinese Communists. China has received a lot of profit from this trade imbalance. Unfortunately, this huge sum of money was neither used to improve the Chinese economy, or expand the Chinese market. This is the root and long-term problem of the trade deficit.

As I was talking to people in Washington, Berlin and Paris, I felt the political circles in these places are trying to think of a way to solve the trade deficit. If we do not solve these problems, then small and medium sized business in Europe will continuously go bankrupt, and the European unemployment will keep going up, while the trade deficit will keep going up. Maybe we should take some measures to stop the Chinese government from dumping their cheap goods in Europe and America. I have noticed some actions have been taken accordingly. But there is a big resistance in Europe and America and it has produced limited effect.

On the other side, to expand the Chinese market and improve the Chinese workers' life could be the long-term solution to solve this trade deficit problem, thus the economic problem. Of course, European's problem cannot be solved solely by decisions by the government in Berlin or Rome, but it needs to be done under the frame of the European Union. So I wish when the European Union is thinking of how to solve this economic crisis, you will also think of how to improve workers' rights in China.

In the past, we have always said that there are close ties between the economy and political and human rights issues but the politicians did not like to hear it. But look now how this economic crisis exactly proves what we said was right, so we hope the politicians will listen more carefully this time. Let me repeat what I have said in the past one decade: Chinese workers' rights are closely related to Western workers' rights, so I hope that today people here will play an important role, and the Radical Party will play a leading role in Italy. This issue will be an important issue for everyone to discover. Because it seems the politicians in the West do not know how to solve this economic crisis in the best way. This could be the only way."

Related photos:
1. Wei Jingsheng Speaks at the European Parliament:
2. Member of the European Parliament Marco Cappato invited Wei and Huang for lunch (from left to right: WEI Jingsheng, HUANG Ciping, MEP Marco Cappato, Italian Senator Marco Perduca):
3. In the European Parliament:

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A430-W237

Release Date: December 13, 2008

Topic: WEI Jingsheng Attends a Conference by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Group of the European Parliament and Gives Speech on the Economic Crisis

Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)




2008年12月11日至13日,魏京生及黃慈萍受邀參加在比利時首都布魯塞爾舉行的歐洲議會自由和民主聯盟的大會。其間,他們與來自幾十個國家的各類人物會面並交談,並受歐洲議會議員馬寇﹒卡帕投(Marco Cappato)與馬寇﹒帕那拉(Marco Pannella)的邀請在歐洲議會的議員餐廳共進午餐。










1. 魏京生在歐洲議會裡演講:
2. 歐洲議會議員馬寇﹒卡帕投(Marco Cappato)邀請魏京生和黃慈萍在歐洲議會的議員餐廳共進午餐(從左至右:魏京生,黃慈萍,卡帕投議員,義大利參議員帕杜卡):



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