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China Possible Biggest Loser in Iranian Oil Crisis.

The Iran nuclear issue has deepened the crisis between Iran,
EU and the US.
U.S. Congress passed a new sanction bill,
attempting to cut off Iran's oil exports.
The EU also reached an agreement to impose a full
embargo on Iranian oil from this July.
In response, the Iran regime blocked the Strait of Hormuz.
The region faces increasing risk of military conflict.

As the 3rd largest crude oil supplier for China,
Iran exports about 500,000 barrels a day.
The termination of oil import from Iran will be a direct hit
on China's energy supplies.
The economic sanctions against Iran, initiated by the EU
and US, are no small challenge to the CCP regime.

U.S. Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, asked China to
stop oil imports from Iran during his Beijing visit in early Jan.
CCP authorities openly denied the request.

On Feb 2, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke of this
issue in her visit to China.
She hoped sanctions against Iran were treated positively.

Yet CCP Premier Wen Jiabao claimed that the sanctions
cannot fundamentally resolve the Iranian nuclear issue.
Wen said the use of force will cause instability in the Middle
East and in the world, which is bad for all concerned parties.

A resolution of sanctions against Iran was passed by a
European Parliamentary plenary session on February 2.
The parliament said in the resolution:

"[Members] regret the ongoing refusal of China and Russia
in the UN Security Council to support sanctions against Iran.」

Wen Zhao, Commentator on international affairs:

「From the perspective of China's energy security, it doesn't
want to see a big change happen in the Middle East.
It neither hopes Iran develops nuclear weapons,
nor wants to see the West's sanctions against Iran.
There are more factors involving CCP blocks from
sanctioning Iran.
The CCP regime has long wanted to be influential in the
Middle East. Iran is a card that it plays in politics."

Wen Zhao reasons that Iran's nuclear program is a card
for the CCP to utilize in diplomacy.
If the Iranian nuclear issue is resolved, the card of Iran will
lose value for the CCP regime.
While if it gives hard-line support for Iran, it will incur world
opposition, which is more unfavorable to the regime.
That is to say, the CCP regime has fallen into a dilemma
over the Iranian nuclear issue.

Iran's acts are sharply incongruous with the world's
peace theme.
It even spares no cost in becoming enemy to the world.

However, the CCP regime repeatedly gives support
politically, and unilaterally refused sanctions against Iran.

The reason behind this was found from a talk of Kong
Qingdong, Professor from Peking University.
Iran is the last base area overseas that could support
the CCP, according to Kong.

Wen Zhao: "The CCP regime is a challenger and is
subversive towards the existing international order.
The regime wants to change the current international trends.

But in order to satisfy its temporary interests, it needs to
cooperate with other major countries.
It has to accept the existing international order,
to a certain extent.」

Minxin Pei, Professor at Claremont McKenna College,
gives his interpretation on the issue.
Beijing's pragmatists know Israel will likely initiate attacks
on Iran's nuclear facilities under internal political pressure.
The West's sanctions against Iran may be the only measure
to replace Israel's military operations, according to Pei.
In this context, the Beijing regime will take a new central
That is, continuously opposing the West's oil embargo
Pei said that in this dangerous nuclear drama,
Beijing has no other cards to play.

On Feb 2, the European Parliament warned Iran.

Iran's block of the Strait of Hormuz could trigger regional
The acts would "incur the revenge of the international

The International Energy Agency forecasts that China's
dependence on oil imports may rise to 80%.

CCP media said 40% of China's imported crude oil
comes from the Gulf region.
If the oil supply from the Gulf region is disrupted,
China's existing oil reserves can only last for 46 days.
If China gets involved in a 200-day war, the impact would
be enormously huge.
In this case, China may become the biggest loser
in the Iranian oil crisis.

NTD reporters Liu Hui, Song Feng and Zhou Tian

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