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上海地王出讓所有權 房地產大動盪




另外,道鍾斯通訊社(Dow Jones Newswires)計算,10月份住宅銷售面積較上年同期也下滑了11.6%。











Tumultuous Times for China’s Real Estate Market

Last February, Shanghai Zendai Real Estate Limited
paid a record price for land in Shanghai Bund,
a waterfront area and one of the most famous tourist
destinations in Shanghai.
Zendai owns only 35% of the shares of the property,
and will be transfer most shares to a controlling affiliate.
According to the China Index Research Institute of Statistics,
in October, land transaction in China dropped 40% compared to one year ago.
No urban residential land was sold in nine hot cities.

Scholars believe that China's real estate,
which has been in a deformed state,
now the fund chain break regulates inevitably downward.
This will benefit society and help bring the economy back to normal.

The president of Shanghai Zendai Real Estate Company
said last week that he agreed to sell Lot 8-1
at Bund International Financial Services Centre.

As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tightens credit
markets, Zendai is facing a lot of financial pressure.

The price of this Shanghai Zendai real estate transaction
was listed at RMB 9.57 billion [US$1.5 billion].
Currently, the valuation has not significantly increased
nor decreased.

According to data released by the China Index Research
Institute, in October, 15 hot cities including Shenzhen,
Suzhou, Guangzhou and Chengdu, no any transaction record
was found for residential land sales.
In October, in 133 cities throughout China, there were only
1,365 residential land sales recorded,
totaling 55 million square meters [13.6 million acres],
or a decrease of 40% in link relative ratio, down 37% on a year-on-year basis.

In addition, according to the Dow Jones Newswire’s
calculations, residential properties sale in October fell 11.6% compared to one year ago.

Gong Shengli, a well-known scholar and independent critic,
said the Communist Chinese Regime control real estate is not with the market method,
but a temporary administrative measure,
which does not work in Europe and North America.
This has led to China's abnormal real estate development.
Actually, real estate market corrections are normal.

Gong Shengli: "China's current real estate list prices,
real estate outputs, and purchasing prices are the highest they』ve been in 62 years.
It is very strange that real estate has skyrocketed like it has.

Real estate correction indicators show that the market
is headed for a correction,
which I estimate would happen in two to three years."

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the momentum of
China's falling real estate prices is more and more obvious,
which shows that Beijing's price regulation policies
have achieved some initial success.

Gong Shengli believes that the real estate downturn is not
the result of government regulations,
as Wen Jiabao has been trying to exert pressure on the real
estate market for many years, with no success.
However, true changes in the real estate market
occurred immediately once cash flow is tightened.
Home and landowners dropped their prices
when they saw that people are strapped for cash.
Once a new home is built and is not selling,
the owner will be forced to lower his asking price.
Gong Shengli said the current real estate downturn is only
a preliminary stage, and that deep cuts may occur during next year's mid-term or late term.

Gong Shengli: "Government investment has declined,
this is one aspect; there is also a lack of real estate capital.
For example, a boss in Wenzhou reneged on a big loan and
escaped, and other cities have also broken capital chains,
(a cycle of capital flows), including Erdos, Inner Mongolia,
and Dongguan in Guangdong Province.
If a capital chain is broken, then less capital will flow
into the real estate market, thus the market will naturally taper off."

The Wall Street Journal said the real estate market is
an important driving force behind China's economic growth.
Thus, a real estate downturn will threaten
China's economic growth.

Gong Shengli said, It’s abnormal for any country, including
China, to place the real estate industry in such a leading role.
Neither the United States nor Europe
has relied on real estate as an economic pillar.
The fact that real estate is cooling down in China
could help the Chinese economy develop at a normal rate.
Gong also believes that real estate prices need to drop
a further 20% to 30%, which will be good for society,
as people will be able to afford housing, which is good
for a country’s stability.
It’s the way we have to go, or else many more real estate
businesses will close in the future.

Gong Shengli, "There are a number of cities in Hangzhou
and Nanjing, whose revenues accounted for 50% of the government’s income.
Many cities are like this.

If we rely on real estate to this degree, in any country,
how could there be so much land to trade?
A real estate downturn will help bring China's economy
back to normal."

In recent weeks, China's largest real estate developers have
marked down their prices in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen, among others.
This trend has begun to spread to second and third tier cities
such as Hangzhou and Hefei.
Director Cao Jianhai, an investment and market research
analyst at the Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS,
said that if the CCP continues to implement control measures,
house prices would inevitably fall by 50%.

NTD reporters Qin Xue, Song Feng and Guo Jing




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