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蘇聯解體20年 中共黨報提主動轉型

















Soviet’s Dissolution Forecasts CCP’s Transformation

Dec. 25 celebrates 20th anniversary of Soviet Union’s collapse.

On 24th, Russian people called for true democratic elections,
with large-scale demonstrations.
CCP’s mouthpiece People's Daily published a long article.
Admitting Soviet Union’s failure is due to a lack of reform.
Yet CCP proclaims active transformation is in a
stable development.
Scholar says that CCP itself is the obstacle to China's political reform,
so the real reform can be only happened with the termination of the Communist’s Regime.

Aug. 19, 1991, conservative Communists in Soviet house
arrested President Mikhail Gorbachev.
Under pressure from the people and army, the riot lasted only
three days.

Afterwards, Russian President Boris Yeltsin announced Soviet
Communist Party illegal.
Gorbachev announced dismissing the Party and resigned from
the Party’s Secretary General.
Soviet Communist Party with 20 million members
thus collapsed.
Dec. 25, Gorbachev handed over power to Russian President,
the Soviet Union formally dissolved.

Dec. 24, protests broke out in over 100 Russian cities,
with over 120,000 people participating in Moscow.
Gorbachev and other celebrities called for Putin to step down.
CNN says protests remind people of Soviet Union’s dissolution.

Dec. 26, CCP’s mouthpiece People’s Daily published an article,
「Seize the Future of History Actively.」
The article claimed that Soviet’s dissolution was one of the most
shocking incidents in 20th century.
「The fall of communism prevailed in the West,
even within the whole world.」

Qin Yongmin, co-founder of China’s Democratic Party said,
「Today, Chinese people no longer believe in communism.

Soviet Communist Party had a tenacious ideology,
whose failure ended Soviet’s political system.
Communist China does not have such an ideology.
Should it be Maoism or Deng’s theory, or something else?
Should China follow communist or capitalist path?
Today’s CCP has no ideology, only pursuit of private interests」.

CCP’s mouthpiece article said, "Big Brother" of socialist camp
has disappeared; West Asia, North Africa are now in turmoil.
Although 20 years apart, both incidents have "transfer effects",
pointing towards China's socialist system.

Qin Yongmin stated: 「We advocate a peaceful transition.
How peaceful it will be depends on whether CCP 『abandons arms and turns to virtues』.
CCP has discarded its Communist ideology,
but cannot tell which is the best road to follow.
At a time of crisis, it can do nothing but maintain the status quo.
Does it not equal waiting for death?

CCP’s articles also say that Soviet’s dissolution results from a
lack of real reform. All its attempts lead to dead ends.

The Article acknowledged that China's current system fails to
meet the growing demands of the people. Institutional transformation becomes a trend.
Zhang Tianliang, professor at George Mason University said,
「CCP itself is the obstacle to China's political reform」.

Zhang Tianliang quoted, 「Current anti-CCP storms in all parts
of China have not shaken CCP’s base, since these people are fighting for economic benefits.
Only when the public awakens and challenges CCP’s dictatorship
can there be CCP’s disintegration」.

Public critics said Soviet’s past is today’s China and its future.

CCP should seize the historical opportunity to initiate
fundamental political reform.
The quit-CCP movement triggered by "Nine Commentaries on
the Communist Party" will lead to Chinese people’s spiritual awakening and ultimately China's peaceful transformation.

NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan and Li Yuanhan




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