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[美國英語] 提升口語交流技巧

communication tip
"Improve  Your Verbal Communication Skills": We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are some ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: 
1. Develop your voice – A high whiney voice is not perceived to be one of authority. In fact, a high soft voice can make you sound like prey to an aggressive co-worker who is out to make his/her career at the expense of anyone else. Begin doing exercises to lower the pitch of your voice. Here is one to start:Sing — but do it an octave lower on all your favorite songs. Practice this and, after a period of time, your voice will begin to lower.   

2. Slow down – People will perceive you as nervous and unsure of yourself if you talk fast. However, be careful not to slow down to the point where people begin to finish your sentences just to help you finish. 
3. Animate your voice – Avoid a monotone. Use dynamics. Your pitch should raise and lower. Your volume should be soft and loud. Listen to your local TV news anchor; take notes.
4. Enunciate your words – Speak clearly. Don’t mumble. If people are always saying, "huh," to you, you are mumbling.  
5. Use appropriate volume – Use a volume that is appropriate for the setting. Speak more softly when you are alone and close. Speak louder when you are speaking to larger groups or across larger spaces.
6. Pronounce your words correctly – Use the right words and pronounce them correctly. People will judge your competency through your vocabulary.  If you aren’t sure how to say a word, don’t use it.
 "Flash in the pan": Something which disappoints by failing to deliver anything of value, despite a showy beginning.
There's reason to believe that this phrase derives from the Californian Gold Rush of the mid 19th century. Prospectors who panned for gold supposedly became excited when they saw something glint in the pan, only to have their hopes dashed when it proved not to be gold but a mere 'flash in the pan'. 
E.g. "If Cannons were so well bred in his Metaphor as only to flash in the Pan, I dare lay an even wager that Mr. Dryden durst venture to Sea."
commonly confused

"Fewer  Less": Fewer is used with countable nouns: people, animals, chairs, shoes. Less is used for uncountable, usually abstract nouns: money, happiness, snow, idealism. 
E.g. "There should be fewer books on the table."  
E.g. "Fewer of us show up each year."  
E.g. "We need more money and less debt."  
E.g. "You should spend less of your time complaining."
do you know? 
i  About  Labor Day : Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday in September. The holiday began in 1882, originating from a desire by the Central Labor Union to create a day off for   the "working man". It is still celebrated mainly as a day of rest and marks the symbolic end of summer   for many. Labor Day became a national holiday by Act of Congress in 1894. 

Today Labor Day is often regarded simply as a day of rest and, compared to the May 1 Labor Day celebrations in most countries, parades, speeches or political demonstrations are more low-key. Forms of celebration include picnics, barbecues, fireworks displays, water sports,and public art events. Families with school-age children take it as the last chance to travel before the end of summer. In addition, Labor Day marks the beginning of the season for the National Football League and NCAA College Football. The NCAA usually plays their first games the weekend of Labor day, with the NFL playing their first game the Thursday following Labor Day.

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