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有評論說,歐陽泰是當代歷史學界的魔術師。一方面他的史學著作寫得縱橫捭闔、見時代與世界大勢;另一方面卻歷史人物躍然紙上,相隔時空與讀者對望。2024年5月,在推出歐陽泰漢學經典三書之後,時報出版再次推出歐陽泰的歷史著作《最後的使團:1795年荷蘭使團和一段被遺忘的中西相遇史The Last Embassy: The Dutch Mission of1795 and the Forgotten History of Western Encounters with China》。


1992年,歐陽泰在Reed College畢業後,進入伊利諾伊大學香檳分校University of Illinois讀碩士。在此期間,他閱讀了狄奧多.施篤姆(Therdor Storm)的德文小說《白馬騎士》(Der Schimmelreiter),而受到佛里斯蘭文化(Frisian Culture)吸引,沒原由地沉迷於荷蘭文,並開始學習荷蘭文。

1994年,碩士畢業後,歐陽泰去耶魯大學攻讀歷史學博士。在這裡他遇到兩位老師。一位是帕克(Geoffrey Parker);另一位是史景遷。帕克是一位軍事革命論學者,專門研究現代早期西歐,西班牙和戰爭的歷史。他最著名的書是劍橋大學出版社於1988年首次出版的《軍事革命:軍事創新與西方的興起,1500年—1800年The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West,1500–1800》;而中國讀者的熟悉的史景遷則擅長書寫歷史人物與個性。在兩位老師的影響和啟發下,歐陽泰開始了自己的學術旅程,選擇中國海洋史作為論文主題,討論荷蘭東印度公司與中國之間的關係,並比較菲律賓跟巴達維亞歷史。。

在自己的學術研究中,歐陽泰提出了「全球微觀史」(micro-global history)的觀點,既從宏觀去詮釋世界歷史發展的大趨勢,也透過歷史角色講述歷史下的時空。「他認為一名歷史學者應該有兩個層面:身為理論的建構者,同時也成為說故事的人。」(盧正恆:《他是「建構理論的人」也是「說故事的人」──歷史學家歐陽泰》)


My first book,How Taiwan Became Chinese(2007), examined how Dutch, Spanish, and Chinese colonization met and competed in the Far East and asked why it was that the Chinese prevailed over the Europeans rather than the other way around, suggesting that political will– that is to say state support for expansion– was a key variable. My second book,Lost Colony(2011), examined the Sino-Dutch War of1661-1668, Europe’s first war with China and the only significant Sino-European conflict until the Opium War of1839–42. It asked whether Europeans had– at this early date– any significant advantages in military and naval technology over China and concluded that they did, although not perhaps in the areas people might have expected. My third book,The Gunpowder Age(2016), looked more deeply into China’s military past, comparing it to that of Europe, and showing that China’s China’s dynamism was deeper, longer lasting, and more quickly recovered than has long been believed. My fourth book, The Last Embassy(2021), examined a little-known but richly documented Dutch embassy to the court of the Qing dynasty’s Qianlong Emperor. I’m currently working on a book about the Dutch East India Company and its interactions with and effects on Asia’s maritime realms.

前三本著作《福爾摩沙如何變成台灣府?》(How Taiwan Became Chinese)、《決戰熱蘭遮》(Lost Colony)和《火藥時代》(The Gunpowder Age),在台灣早已翻譯出版,被稱為「歐陽泰漢學經典三書」,歐陽泰也因為他對台灣早期歷史的書寫而深受台灣人的喜愛。最近,第四本著作《最後的使團》(The Last Embassy)中文版也在台灣出版。為此,波士頓書評特別採訪了歐陽泰教授,採訪通過郵件進行。訪談用英文進行,書評翻譯成中文。

書評: You once joked that when you graduated in2000, because you studied global history(world history), you thought you might only find a teaching position at a community college. Was this because global history was not yet popular in American universities at the time?


歐陽泰:Yes, at that point, most historians didn’t know what global history was. My graduate course on the topic was one of the first to be offered. Things began changing quickly after around2010. Today, global history is a major subfield within the discipline, and there are scores of books published each year in global history.


書評: At least among Chinese readers, global history seems to have only become popular in recent years, and people seem to be getting tired of history narrated by country and history dominated by elite politics. Does the popularity of global history represent a change in ideological trends?


歐陽泰:For me, one of the fascinating developments of the past three decades within the discipline of history is the explosion of serious history being produced outside of the west, particularly in China. This trend started to pick up speed in the1990s, and by the2000s and2010s, Chinese-language scholarship in history was expanding at a dramatic clip, with new institutes, new journals, even new universities being founded yearly, particularly in the PRC. It was a renaissance in historical scholarship. I see this as part of the general zeitgeist, which global history is also part of. To build a history for all humans– regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality– is the great goal of global historians, and the only way to do that is to listen to each other, to incorporate other historical and historiographical traditions.


書評: You study global history through Taiwan and the encounter between China and the West through Taiwan. Did you plan this beforehand, or was it just an accident?


歐陽泰:It was an accident. I was very interested in cross-cultural interactions, but I didn’t originally intend to study Taiwan per se. I started my undergraduate career studying science, thinking I would specialize in biology or neuroscience, but the summer after my first year, I worked in a lab, where I met a brilliant Chinese researcher, who told me about his experience in the Cultural Revolution. This encounter sparked an interest in the Chinese language, which I began studying. I decided to put my undergraduate degree on hold, spending half a year in Taiwan. When I returned to college, I changed my major to anthropology. During my final year in college, however, I took two history classes. I was hooked and applied to graduate school in history. At first I thought I』d write a dissertation on the history of anthropology but ultimately came to be interested in early European colonialism and, in particular, in the Dutch East India Company. When I learned that the Dutch East India Company had held a colony on Taiwan, I became fascinated by it, and ended up writing my dissertation on the topic.


責任編輯: 李廣松  來源:波士頓書評 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
