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clean up the mess

首先,想要表示「清理髒亂」的話就可以搭配clean up,或者也可以用clear up喔,除了能表示清掃實際的髒亂,也能表示處理問題、麻煩,例如:

My mom commanded me to clean up the mess in my room.(我媽命令我打掃我的房間。)

Who’s going to be the next managing director to clear up the financial mess?(誰會成為下一個總經理來整頓公司一團亂的財務?)

in a mess

如果要表示處於「一坨亂、亂糟糟」的狀態的話,就可以用in a mess,那除了用在環境很髒亂外,也可以表示處於困境、麻煩中,例如:

After a night of partying and drinking, Will’s house was left in a mess.(一整夜飲酒狂歡後,Will的房子變得一團亂。)

Unfortunately, our economy is in a mess now.(很不幸地,我們現在的經濟亂糟糟的。)

make a mess

想要說「製造髒亂」的話,就可以用 make這個動詞喔,舉個例子:

The hotel guests made a mess in the bathroom. I wonder what they have been doing all night long.(旅館旅客把浴室弄得一團亂。不知道他們整晚都在幹嘛。)

那我們也可以用make a mess of(doing) something來表示搞砸某件事情,例如:

For a long time, I made a mess of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.(我有很長一段時間無法好好維持工作和生活的平衡。)

Susanne always feels she’s made a real mess of her marriage, but, actually, no one is to blame for that.(Susanne總是覺得她一手把婚姻搞砸了,但事實上這並非任何人的錯。)

mess with something/ someone

那 mess除了當名詞外,也可以當動詞喔,我們可以用mess with something來表示「未經允許亂動、亂碰某物」,例如:

Please don’t mess with my private collections. You can never afford one of them even with your life savings.(別亂動我的私人收藏。即使用你一生的積蓄也買不起我任何一件收藏。)


That group of boys is dangerous. If I were you, I wouldn’t mess with them.(那群男孩非常危險。如果我是你,我不會招惹他們。)

mess around

那我們也可以用mess around這個詞組來表示「消磨時間、打混摸魚」,例如:

Stop messing around and get on with your book report, Adam!(別再混了,趕快寫你的讀書報告,Adam!)

It’s normal that people mess around a little at the office.(在辦公室混水摸魚是很正常的喔。)


責任編輯: 宋雲  來源:媽媽經 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
